dr. katherine kortes-miller

director, centre for education and research on aging and health (cerah) https://cerah.lakeheadu.ca; associate professor, research chair on aging and end of life (2023-25) //www.hsbcwebinars.com/research-and-innovation/about/distinguished
assistant professor
+1 (807) 343-8010ext. 7204
rc 3007
mon-fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
academic qualifications: 

msw, phd

previous teaching/work: 

taught the following courses at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜

  • sowk 1100 - introduction to social welfare
  • gero 1100 - aging in canada
  • sowk/gero 2010 - introduction to palliative care
  • sowk 2011 - foundations of social work  practice
  • sowk/gero 3437 - social work with older people
  • sowk/gero 3439 - living with grief and loss
  • sowk 4300 - theory of social work practice
  • sowk 4401 - theory of social work practice ii
  • hesc 5035 - qualitative inquiry
  • sowk 5214 - social work at the end of life
  • sowk 5511 - applied research methods
research interests: 

my research experience is interdisciplinary and collaborative contributing to a broad range of fields of study including: social work, palliative care education, gerontology, and medical assistance in dying (maid). i am committed to improving the care provided at the bedside for our most vulnerable and frail. my intention is to continue to develop a research portfolio that will influence healthcare education and care at the bedside alongside improving organizational and healthcare policy.

current research:

  • disrupting death; an examination of canadian experiences with medical assistance in dying (maid) (sshrc insight grant received 2022) (principle investigator)
  • covid-19 #not just a visitor; caregiving in long-term care during lockdown (sshrc partnership engagement grant received 2020) (principle investigator)
  • the untold stories of maid in ontario:  family and loved one's experiences (sshrc insight development grant received 2019) (principle investigator)
  • caring, sharing, and preparing:  let's talk about later life! (canadian frailty network) (co-investigator)
  • deconstructing normativity in gerontology:  focus on sexual orientation & gender identity.  (sshrc partnership development grant)  (co-investigator)
  • improving palliative care in the home and community:  building capaciti (community access to palliative care via interprofessional primary care teams intervention) (cihr project grant) (co-investigator)
  • valuing the perspectives of lgbt older adults in canada: an evidence based approach to developing inclusive research and policy agenda (co-investigator)
  • speaking up and speaking out:  a toolkit for healthcare professionals caring for older lgbt adults facing the end of their lives (principle investigator)
  • getting by with a little help from their friends: the role of support and care networks in moderating health inequalities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older canadians (co-applicant)
  • palliative care for first nations communities: supporting capacity development (co-applicant)
  • aging with hiv in canada:  towards an understanding of psychosocial determinants to support health equity (co-investigator)
  • intersectionality & aging:  planning a way forward to improve policies related to aging, dementia and mental health (co-investigator)

selected publications:


  • durant, k. l., & kortes-miller, k. (2023). “and then covid hit”:(re) flexibility of digital storytelling in qualitative health research. international journal of qualitative methods22, 16094069231170953.
  • lipinski, e., wilson, k., kortes-miller, k., & stinchcombe, a. (2022). the power of story: bringing 2slgbtq+ digital stories into gerontology settings. gerontology & geriatrics education, 1-14.
  • kortes-miller, k., & durant, k. l.* (2022). physician experiences with medical assistance in dying: qualitative study in northwestern ontario. canadian family physician, 68(5), e161-e168. *student
  • hiebert, a.*, & kortes-miller, k. (2021). finding home in online community: exploring tiktok as a support for gender and sexual minority youth throughout covid-19. journal of lgbt youth, 1-18 *student
  • stinchcombe, a., kortes-miller, k., & wilson, k. (2021). “we are resilient, we made it to this point”: a study of the lived experiences of older lgbtq2s+ canadians. journal of applied gerontology, 0733464820984893.

student supervision:

kathy is interested in supervising msw 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who are interested in gerontology, grief, maid, and palliative and end of life care.

in the news:

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