selected publications
peer reviewed journals
cava, d., kivi, d., sanzo, p., & zerpa, c. (2021). the effect of ankle taping on the kinematics of the lower extremity while running on level, inclined, and declined slopes. topics in exercise science and kinesiology, 2(1), article 8.
pennock, p., kivi, d., & zerpa, c. (2021). effect of neck strength on simulated head impacts during falls in female ice hockey players. international journal of exercise science, 14(1), 446-461.
henderson, z.j., sanzo, p., zerpa, c., & kivi, d. (2020). ankle bracing’s effects during a modified agility task: analysis of semg, impulse, and time to complete using a crossover, repeated measures design. sports biomechanics. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2020.1778777
przysucha, e., mcdougall, t., zerpa, c., & kivi, d. (2020). effects of a 6-week progressive and combined training program on strength and cardiovascular endurance in young adults with moderate intellectual global delay. palaestra, 34(1), 44-49.
pelletier, a., sanzo, p., kivi, d., & zerpa, c. (2019). the effect of patellar taping on lower extremity running kinematics in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome. physiotherapy theory and practice, 35(8), 764-772.
henderson, z.j., sanzo, p., zerpa, c., & kivi, d. (2019). ankle bracing's effects on lower extremity iemg activity, force production, and jump height during a vertical jump test: an exploratory study. physical therapy in sport, 37, 171-178.
henderson, z.j., sanzo, p., zerpa, c., & kivi, d. (2019). the effects of ankle braces on lower extremity electromyography and performance during vertical jumping: a pilot study. international journal of exercise science, 12(1), 15-23.
wesley, c. & kivi, d. (2017). the effects of kettlebell mass and swing cadence on heart rate, blood lactate, and rating of perceived exertion during an interval training protocol. international journal of sports science, 7(3), 122-127.
broennle, m., kivi, d., & zerpa, c. (2017). maximal static and dynamic neck strength in hockey players and wrestlers. international journal of sports science, 7(3), 118-121.
papers in refereed conference proceedings
kivi, d. & sloan, m. (2021). the effect of music tempo on bar speed and joint range of motion during the barbell bench press in beginner lifters. journal of strength and conditioning research, 35(4), e235-236.
cava, d., kivi, d., sanzo, p., & zerpa, c. (2020). the impact of therapeutic ankle taping and foot posture on the kinematics of the knee and ankle while running. isbs proceedings archive, 38(1), article 4.
kivi, d., migliazza,k., zerpa, c., & sanzo, p. (2019). examining the acute and residual effects of a static hip flexor stretch on vertical jump performance. journal of strength and conditioning research, 33(suppl. 2), e74-75.
cava, d., sanzo, p., & kivi, d. (2018). the impact of therapeutic ankle taping on the kinematics of the lower extremity while running: a pilot study. isbs proceedings archive, 36(1), 1066-1069.
varga, k., zerpa, c., sanzo, p., & kivi, d. (2018). the effect of a spring-loaded cane on upper and lower extremity ground reaction forces. isbs proceedings archive, 36(1), 418-421.
kivi, d., zerpa, c., savard, r., fox, j., howie, a., & pennock, b. (2017). assessment of isometric neck strength in female hockey players. journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(suppl. 1), s207-208.
zerpa, c., carlson, s., sanzo, p., przysucha, e., hoshizaki, t., & kivi, d. (2017). the effect of angle of impact, neck stiffness, and impact location on measures of shear forces during helmet testing. isbs proceedings archive, 35(1), 1020-1023.
kivi, d., meyers, t., zerpa, c., & sanzo, p. (2016). emg activity when performing the prone plank during fatigued and non-fatigued conditions. journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(suppl. 2), s208.
smykalski, v., kivi, d., sanzo, p., & paterson, g. (2016). leg dominance effect on lower limb kinematics during a 180° maneuver in healthy female soccer players at three different stages of physical maturation. journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(suppl. 2), s23.
pelletier, a., sanzo, p., kivi, d., & zerpa, c. (2016). therapeutic patellar taping techniques effect lower extremity running kinematics in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome. isbs proceedings archive, 34(1), 323-326.
mohammed, a., zerpa, c., sanzo, p., & kivi, d. (2016). reliability of a testing protocol to examine the effect of spring-loaded cane mechanisms on upper and lower extremity ground reaction forces, muscle activity, and ease of use during gait. isbs proceedings archive, 34(1), 434-437.
pelletier, a., sanzo, p. & kivi, d. (2015). the effects of knee taping techniques on lower extremity kinematics during running. isbs proceedings archive, 33(1), 687-690.
kivi, d. auld, t., & zerpa, c. (2014). sweep length vs sweep rate analysis in competitive male and female curlers. isbs proceedings archive, 32(1), 606-609.
nordin, a., kivi, d., zerpa, c., & newhouse, i. (2014). comparison of methods for assessing vertical jump height performance. isbs proceedings archive, 32(1), 681-684.
kivi, d.m.r., smith, d.w. & blando, a.d. (2013). assessment of upper body anaerobic power and capacity in competitive male curlers. journal of strength and conditioning research, 27(s2), s135-6.
kivi, d. & auld, t. (2012). assessment of the directional accuracy of the delivery in curling. isbs proceedings archive, 30(1), 350-353.
kivi, d. & auld, t. (2010). temporal methods to estimate the displacement of a curling rock: comparison between competitive and recreational curlers. isbs proceedings archive, 28(1), 742-745.