recent books

kajander, a., holm, j., & chernoff, e., (eds.). (accepted). teaching and learning secondary school mathematics: canadian perspectives in an international context. advances in mathematics education series. springer.


hart, l., oesterle, s., swars, s. & kajander, a. (2016). the mathematics education of elementary teachers: issues and strategies for content courses. charlotte, nc: information age publishing.


recent publications

kajander, a. & boland, t. (2014). mathematical models for teaching: reasoning without memorization. toronto, on: canadian scholars' press.

kajander, a. & holm, j. (2013). preservice teachers‘ mathematical understanding: searching for differences based on school curriculum background. fields mathematics education journal. 1(1). 3-20. (refereed)

holm, j. & kajander, a. (2012). interconnections of knowledge and beliefs in teaching mathematics. canadian journal of science, mathematics, and technology education. 12(1). 7-21.

kajander, a. (2010). mathematics teacher preparation in an era of curriculum change: the development of mathematics for teaching. canadian journal of education, 33(1), 228-255.

kajander, a. (2010). teachers constructing concepts of mathematics for teaching and learning: “it’s like the roots beneath the surface”. canadian journal of science, mathematics and technology education, 10(2), 87-102.