digital guide to the west indian diaspora in central america

the digital guide to the west indian diaspora in central america is the product of several years research into the west indian diaspora in central america. for the most part, the entries are references to primary materials with citations. in many cases, i have obtained a copy of the document and it is in my personal archive. my work is primarily on costa rica, but there are references to every country from guatemala to panama along the atlantic coast. the idea of the guide is to provide researchers with references they can either access themselves, or use to contextualize the materials they encounter during their investigation. for example, a researcher in britain can find out what sort of corresponding materials may exist in panama and vice-versa.

researchers are requested to be kind enough to let me know if they have used this source for research purposes. it is useful to me to know that people are making use of this resource and it opens lines of communication that might not otherwise exist. please let me know if you have any serious concerns or questions about the material. i have examined each of these documents and have a pretty good idea of their specific contents. i would also like researchers to contact me if they have anything they might like to add to this guide. the author takes full responsibility for any inaccuracies that may exist in this database. entries are in english, spanish and "spanglish." i make no apologies for spelling or grammatical errors as these notes were made while conducting research and they reflect the haste with which historians must accomplish their work while in archives abroad.

click here to access the guide

this project has benefitted from the financial support of social sciences and humanities research council of canada and the international development research centre.