recent publications
grover, s., wall, j., chen, r. (2023) the legal case for children's right to vote in the united states international journal of children's rights vol. 31 791-810
grover, s. (2023) the court's role in upholding inter-generational obligations respecting the child's right to truth juliana v the united states as a case in point 2022 the global yearbook on law and jurisprudence
grover, s. (ed.) (2023.) judicial activism in an age of populism (routledge)
grover, s.c. (2022) the democratic rule of law on trial: first amendment cases of the trump era (routledge)
grover, s.c. (2021)the persecution of children as a crime against humanity:the case for the prosecution (springer publishers)
grover, s. (2021) abuse of executive power versus simply bad policy (or 'maladministration') and why the distinction matters the global community yearbook of international law and jurisprudence (oxford university press)
grover, s. (2020) judicial activism and the democratic rule of law (springer publishers)
grover, s. the denial of 'wrongful life' claims in the canadian courtroom: a re-examination from a children's rights perspective. in waldock, t. (ed.) (2020) a question of commitment:the status of children in canada (wilfred laurier press)
grover, s. (ed.) (2019) peremptory international legal norms and the democratic rule of law (routledge)
grover, s. (2019) collective reparations as a partial remedy for state-perpetrated blanket violations of the rights of targeted child asylum-seeker groups. in global community yearbook of international law and jurisprudence (2018) pp 337-368
grover, s. (2018) child refugee asylum as a basic human right:selected case law on state resistance (ny: springer publishing)
grover, s. (2018) rights education and children's collective self-advocacy through public interest litigation human rights education review vol. 1(1), 64-83.
grover, s. (2018) human dignity as the foundation for the democratic rule of law: jc hernandez v j mensa jr. 582 u.s. _(2017) as an illustrative case. in giuliana ziccardi capaldo (ed.) global community yearbook of international law and jurisprudence (oxford university press, 2017), pp 245-261
grover s. (ed.) (2017) r2p: perspectives on the concept's meaning, proper application and value. routledge special issues in books program (new york:routledge)
grover, s. (2015) children defending their human rights under the crc communication procedure: on strengthening the convention on the rights of the child complaint mechanism (berlin: springer publishers)
grover, s (2015) r2p and the syrian crisis: when semantics becomes a matter of life or death international journal of human rights (2015), volume 19 (issue 8), 1112-1128
grover, s. (2014). the torture of children during armed conflicts: the icc failure to prosecute and the negation of children’s human dignity (berlin: springer publishers)
grover, s. (2013). humanity’s children: icc jurisprudence and the failure to address the genocidal forcible transfer of children (berlin: springer publishing)
grover, s. (2013). child soldiers as victims of ‘genocidal forcible transfer’: darfur and syria as case examples. international journal of human rights, vol. 17(3), 411-427.
stock, r. and grover, s. (2013). critical reflection in the secondary classroom: incorporating indigenous content in an anti-oppression framework. international journal of children’s rights 21(4), 629-645.
grover, s. c. (2012). child soldier victims of genocidal forcible transfer: exonerating child soldiers charged with grave conflict-related international crimes (new york: springer publishing)
grover, s.c. (2011) schoolchildren as propaganda tools in the war on terror: violating the rights of afghani children under international law (berlin:springer publishing)
grover, s.c. (2011) young people's human rights and the politics of voting age, comparative perspectives on law and justice series (berlin: springer publishing)