
listed below are publications produced out of my research program (starting with the most recent). full text copies of most can be found on my researchgate page.

  • gotwals, j. k., & spencer-cavaliere, n. (2014). intercollegiate perfectionistic athletes’ perspectives on achievement: contributions to the understanding and assessment of perfectionism in sport. international journal of sport psychology, 45, 271-297. doi: 10.7352/ijsp 2014
  • gotwals, j. k., stoeber, j., dunn, j. g. h., & stoll, o. (2012). are perfectionistic strivings in sport adaptive? a systematic review of confirmatory, contradictory, and mixed evidence. canadian psychology, 53, 263-279. doi: 10.1037/a0030288
  • gotwals, j. k. (2011). perfectionism and burnout within intercollegiate sport: a person-oriented approach. the sport psychologist, 25, 489-510.
  • dunn, j. g. h., craft, j. m., causgrove dunn, j., & gotwals, j. k. (2011). comparing a domain-specific and global measure of perfectionism in competitive female figure skaters. journal of sport behavior, 34, 25-47. 
  • gotwals, j. k., dunn, j. g. h., & causgrove dunn, j., & gamache, v. (2010). establishing construct validity evidence for the sport multidimensional perfectionism scale-2. psychology of sport and exercise, 11, 423-432. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2010.04.013.
  • gotwals, j. k., & dunn, j. g. h. (2009). a multi-method multi-analytic approach to establishing internal construct validity evidence: the sport multidimensional perfectionism scale 2. measurement in physical education and exercise science, 13, 71-92. doi: 10.1080/10913670902812663.
  • dunn, j. g. h., gotwals, j. k., causgrove, dunn, j., & syrotuik, d. g. (2006). examining the relationship between perfectionism and trait anger in competitive sport. international journal of sport and exercise psychology, 4, 7-24. 
  • dunn, j. g. h., causgrove dunn, j., gotwals, j. k., vallance, j. k. h., craft, j. m., & syrotuik, d. g. (2006). establishing construct validity evidence for the sport multidimensional perfectionism scale. psychology of sport and exercise, 7, 57-79. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2005.04.003.
  • dunn, j. g. h., gotwals, j. k., & causgrove dunn, j. (2005). an examination of the domain specificity of perfectionism among intercollegiate student-athletes. personality and individual differences, 38, 1439-1448. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2004.09.009.
  • gotwals, j. k., dunn, j. g. h., & wayment, h. a. (2003). an examination of perfectionism and self-esteem in intercollegiate athletes. journal of sport behavior, 26, 17-37. erratum. journal of sport behavior, 26, 189.