
listed below are specific projects from my research program and the funding that each has received from internal and external agencies.

5. gotwals, j. k., & tamminen, k. a. (2011). perfectionist athletes’ reactions to success and failure across a competitive season: a longitudinal mixed methods investigation.

  • fundng agency: lu office of research services
  • amount: $10,000

4.  gotwals, j. k., & spencer-cavaliere, n. (2010). ‘spirit of the game’ and positive youth development: exploring the perspectives of high performance youth ultimate frisbee players.

  • funding agency: association of applied sport psychology (aasp) and ultimate canada (uc)
  • amount: $2,400 (aasp); $500 (uc)

3. gotwals, j. k. (2009). investigating perfectionism as a predictor of neurotrauma among football players.

  • funding agency: ontario neurotrauma foundation
  • amount: $7,000 (intern salary)

2. gotwals, j. k., & spencer-cavaliere, n. (2008). an investigation of the definition and functional nature of sport-based perfectionism among intercollegiate athletes.

  • funding agency: lu senate research committee
  • amount: $4,520

1. gotwals, j. k., & dunn, j. g. h. (2007). a re-examination of the relationship between sport-based perfectionism and achievement goal orientation among youth ice hockey players 

  • funding agency: sport science association of alberta
  • amount: $3,956