recent publications
david greenwood's recent publications
see my google scholar profile:
recent papers and book chapters:
greenwood, d. (2019). place, land, and the decolonization of the settler soul. journal of environmental education, 50, 358–377.
greenwood, d & lee, d. (2020). sustainability from the inside out: the labyrinth as a tool for deepening conversations in higher education. the northern review, 49. 115-131. refereed
greenwood, d. & mckee, m. (2020). thanatopsis: death literacy for the living. in h. bai, d. chang, & c. scott (eds.), a book of ecological virtues: living well in the anthropocene, pp. 71-92. regina: university of regina press. (to be released in october, 2020)
greenwood, d. (2020). rachel carson's childhood ecological aesthetic and the origin of the sense of wonder. in a. cutter-mackenzie (ed.), research handbook on childhoodnature: assemblages of childhood and nature research. new york: springer.
recent edited book:
pontius, j., mueller, m., & greenwood, d. (eds.). (2020). place-based learning for the plate: hunting, gathering, and fishing for food. new york: springer.