working papers & presentations
nafta aftermath: canada, trade and the usmca - talk prepared for the thunder bay (port arthur) rotary, november 27th, 2018
going from chicago to duluth of the north: thunder bay's economy in the past, present and future - part 1 & part 2 ~ presentation for october 20, 2018 - in conversation series, thunder bay public library
mortgages in canadian wealth portfolios: 1870-1930 ~ presentation prepared for wealth and debt accumulation in informal financial markets, a marcus wallenberg symposium, stockholm, september 2018
mortgages in canadian wealth portfolios: 1870-1930 ~ paper prepared for wealth and debt accumulation in informal financial markets, a marcus wallenberg symposium, stockholm, september 2018
perceptions of debt and deficits and the evolution of canada’s federal debt, 1867 to 2017 ~ presentation at debt in history conference, may 18-19, 2018
ontario fiscal policy trends and challenges ~ presentation at ontario 360 - april 11, 2018
resources and the northern and northwestern ontario economies: past, present & future - presentation for impact of development conference, march 1-2, 2018, thunder bay
the shifting scully curve: international evidence from 1870 to 2013 - presentation for meetings of the canadian network for economic history, october 20-22, 2017, toronto
physicians as health expenditure drivers: an empirical comparison of supplier-induced demand in canada and spain - presentation for memorial university seminar series, september 22nd, 2017.
economic growth and the public sector: a comparison of canada and italy, 1870-2013, co-authored with tom barbiero,” two dynamic paths on a shared road: canadian-italian cooperation at 150 and 156, june 17, istituto italiano di cultura, 96 huron st., toronto
who had what? a quantitative analysis of wealth and inequality in the thunder bay district using probate data, 1885 to 1930 - presentation for connecting the dots: data, statistics, and the history of the lakehead, saturday march 4, 2017
provincial government health spending and value for money: an overview of canadian trends, 1975-2016 - presentation for the human sciences division seminar series, nosm, thunder bay, january 26, 2017.
the evolution of wealth inequality, 1668 to 2012: the north atlantic anglo‐sphere - presentation prepared for presentation at the social science history association meetings, november 17-20, 2016, chicago.
the evolution of wealth inequality, 1668 to 2012: the north atlantic anglo‐sphere -paper prepared for presentation at the social science history association meetings, november 17-20, 2016, chicago.
the decline of manufacturing in canada: resource curse, productivity malaise in natural evolution? - paper presentation for rimini conference, waterloo, ontario, september 16 - 18, 2016
the evolution of wealth inequality, 1668 to 2012: the north atlantic anglo-sphere - presentation prepared for the 50th meetings of the canadian economics association, ottawa, canada, june 2‐5, 2016.
the evolution of wealth inequality, 1668 to 2012: the north atlantic anglo-sphere - paper prepared for the 50th meetings of the canadian economics association, ottawa, canada, june 2‐5, 2016.
mobility, economic opportunity and wealth accumulation during the wheat boom era: 1870 to 1930 - paper prepared for the 50th anniversary meetings of the canadian network for economic history, kingston, october 16-18, 2015.
mobility, economic opportunity and wealth accumulation during the wheat boom era: 1870 to 1930 - presentation prepared for the 50th anniversary meetings of the canadian network for economic history, kingston, october 16-18, 2015.
revisiting the life cycle squeeze: differential rates of life cycle wealth accumulation across deciles - paper prepared for the meetings of the world economic history congress, kyoto, japan, august 3-7, 2015.
revisiting the life cycle squeeze: differential rates of life cycle wealth accumulation across deciles (slides) - presentation prepared for the meetings of the world economic history congress, kyoto, japan, august 3-7, 2015.
revisiting the life cycle squeeze: differential rates of life cycle wealth accumulation across deciles - paper prepared for the meetings of the canadian economic association, ryerson university, toronto, may 28 to june 1, 2015
revisiting the life cycle squeeze: differential rates of life cycle wealth accumulation acro (slides) - paper prepared for the meetings of the canadian economic association, ryerson university, toronto, may 28 to june 1, 2015.
comparing alberta’s economic and fiscal performance with other north american energy jurisdictions ~ fraser institute student seminar, calgary, alberta, january 17, 2015
all equal in the sight of god: economic inequality and religion in the early twentieth century ~ canadian network for economic history, peterborough, canada, october 24-26, 2014
cea vancouver 2104, discussant comments
all equal in the sight of god: economics inequality and religion in the early twentieth century ~ presentation prepared for the canadian economics association meetings, vancouver bc, may 29 - june 1, 2014
all equal in the sight of god: economics inequality and religion in the early twentieth century ~ paper prepared for the canadian economics association meetings, vancouver bc, may 29 - june 1, 2014
measuring government ~ department of economics seminar, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , february 28, 2014
all equal in the sight of god: religion and wealth inequality in the late nineteenth century ~ presentation for the 10th swedish economic history meetings, lund university, october 4-5, 2013
tops and bottoms: wealth extremes in the late nineteenth century ontario- where were the rich people? ~ paper prepared for the annual meetings of the economic history association, washington d.c., september 20-22, 2013.
wealth extremes in late nineteenth century ontario: where were the rich people? ~ paper prepared for the 2013 beta-workshop in historical economics university of strasbourg, may 3-4, 2013
avoiding a debt crisis: what ontario can learn from greece? ~ fraser institute student seminar on public policy issues, toronto, march 2, 2013
into the 21st century: canada, commodities and the global economy ~ presentation for fields on wheels conference, winnipeg, manitoba, november 9th, 2012
land, booms, wealth and inequality: evidence from canada's western frontier ~ a paper prepared for the meetings of the social science history association, vancouver, november 1-4, 2012
resources, land abundance and inequality: understanding wealth-holding and investment in britain and its settler colonies, 1870-1930 ~ a paper prepared for the meetings of the social science history association, vancouver, november 1- 4, 2012. the financial assistance of the social sciences and humanities research council of canada, is gratefully acknowledged by livio di matteo
tops and bottoms: wealth extremes in the late nineteenth century ~ a paper prepared for the canadian network for economic history 2012 conference, banff, alberta, 26-28 october. the financial assistance of the social sciences and humanities research council is acknowledged.
common determinants and cost-drivers of provincial government health expenditures ~ paper prepared for bending the cost curve in health care conference, september 2012, saskatoon, saskatchewan.
bending the healthcare cost curve:  the fiscal sustainability of public healthcare in canada ~ presentation prepared for the cihi “health data users conference 2012: making connections: data, people, technology” being held at the westin hotel, ottawa, september 2012
is there a roemer’s law for physicians? physician numbers as a driver of provincial government health spending ~ a paper prepared for the rimini conference in economics and finance, cities, open economies and public policies, university of toronto, august 2012
resources, land abundance and inequality: understanding wealth-holding and investment in britain and its settler colonies, 1870-1930 ~ a paper prepared for the world economic history congress, stellenbosch, south africa, july 9-13.
discussant comments for: “good housekeeping: the provincial imposition of a hard budget constraint on ontario municipalities in the great depression” by a.t. tassonyi ~ comments prepared for the 2012 canadian economics association meetings, calgary
land, booms, wealth and inequality: evidence from canada's western frontier ~ a paper prepared for the meetings of the canadian economics association, university of calgary, june 2012
land and inequality in canada 1870-1930 ~ a paper for historical inequality and mobility: new perspectives in the digital era: a workshop, university of guelph, may 2012
ontario’s economy and public sector fiscal analysis: an overview ~ presentation for ocsboa/ocsta finance seminar, four points sheraton, kingston, ontario, 2012
regional overview of the heart of the continent: history, economics, and future trends ~ heart of the continent partnership international community congress, october 24, 2011
the fiscal sustainability of canadian publically funded healthcare systems ~ presentation prepared for the chsrf ihea pre-conference symposium on policy options for the financial sustainability of healthcare systems in canada and abroad, toronto, july 10, 2011
the evolution of financial intermediation: evidence from 19th century ontario microdata ~ paper prepared for presentation at the meetings of the canadian network for economic history, june 2011
the sustainability of canadian provincial government health spending: an expenditure category approach ~ cea 2011 paper
the sustainability of canadian provincial government health spending: an expenditure category approach~ cea 2011 presentation
an overview of ontario’s economic and fiscal situation ~ presentation prepared for the ontario standing committee on finance & economic affairs, january 31, 2011
health expenditure sustainability in canada: evidence from expenditure categories ~presentation prepared for wrtc health services research seminar
age, wealth, and portfolio composition: a quantile approach ~ cea 2010 paper
age, wealth, and portfolio composition: a quantile approach ~ cea 2010 presentation
ontario economic overview: international and national context and fiscal implications ~ presentation for the ocsboa/ocsta seminar
economic trends and issues analysis for northwestern ontario ~ northwestern ontario municipal regional conference
reconciling macro and micro evidence on economic growth in the post-confederation
era ~ canadian network for economic history presentation
reconciling macro and micro evidence on economic growth in the post-confederation era ~ canadian network for economic history paper
assessing the impact of women's property rights legislation on wealth accumulation: evidence from wentworth county, ontario, 1872 - 1927 ~ cea 2009 presentation
assessing the impact of women's property rights legislation on wealth accumulation: evidence from wentworth county, ontario, 1872 - 1927 ~ cea 2009 paper
growing heartlandia: fostering a north american central economic region
wealth: a survey of evidence from historical micro-data
policy choice or economic fundamentals: what drives the public-private health expenditure balance?