selected publications
1. a.p. dean and f. zorzitto, infinite dimensional representations of d4. glasgow journal of mathematics, vol. 32, part 1, jan.(1990), 25-34.
2. a.p. dean and f. zorzitto, a criteria for pure simplicity, journal of algebra vol. 132, no. 1, july 1990, 50-71.
3. i. Ágoston, a.p. dean, p-basis for torsion-free, regular modules the canadian mathematical society conference proceedings series, vol.11 (proceedings of the international conference on representation theory, tsukuba, japan, aug. 1990) published by the american mathematical society , 1-9, (1990)
4. i. agoston, a.p. dean, w. schewe, superpurely simple modules, arch. math. , vol. 58, 133-142, (1992).
5. a. p. dean, linear functionals and infinite dimensional modules over tame hereditary algebras, comm. in alg. 20(10), 2821-2836 (1992)
6. jose-antonio de la pena, a. dean, algorithms for determining weakly nonnegative quadratic forms, linear algebra and its applications (235): 35-46 (1996)
7. a. dean and f. okoh, extensionless modules of infinite rank, the canadian mathematical society conference proceedings series (proceedings of the international conference on representation theory, geiranger,norway 1996) published by the american mathematical society: 121-125 (1998)