selected publications
- yin chen and john kimball, note on an open problem of feng qi, journal of inequalities in pure and applied mathematics, volume 7(2006), issue 1.
- yin chen, inégalité borel-carathédory et lemme de schwarz, complex variables 49(2004), no.10, 747-757.
- yin chen, on the putnam-fuglede theorem, international journal of mathematics and mathematical sciences, 2004:53(2004) 2821-2834.
- yin chen, hadamard’s inequality on a triangle and on a polygon, tamkang j. math. 35 (2004), no.3, 247-254.
- yin chen, spectra of closed interpolated operators, integral eq. oper. theory, 41(2001)255-263.
- yin chen, abdelkrim nokrane and thomas ransford, estimates for the spectrum near algebraic elements, linear alg.appl. 308(2000) 153-161.