dr. jason blahuta photo portrait

dr. jason blahuta

adjunct - political science
associate professor, faculty advisor
+1 807-343-8010ext. 8937
please contact by university email jblahuta@lakeheadu.ca for appointments
academic qualifications: 

ba honours philosophy (university of winnipeg)
ma philosophy (brock university)
phd philosophy (university of ottawa)

research interests: 

machiavelli, schopenhauer, asian philosophy, applied ethics (biomedical, environmental and business), contemporary liberal theory, value pluralism, and the philosophy of time

current teaching

dr. jason blahuta teaches the following courses, though not all in the same year. he can be e-mailed for information regarding current and future course offerings:

  • special topics: machiavelli
  • ancient asian social & political thought
  • asian philosophy
  • critical thinking
  • philosophy & science fiction
  • philosophy & the human condition
  • social & political philosophy
  • biomedical ethics
  • cyberethics
  • environmental philosophy
  • contemporary moral issues
  • philosophy & the human condition
  • philosophy of love
  • philosophy of religion
  • moral issues

favourite quotes

"i drank what?!"
- socrates

"is it better to be feared than loved, or the reverse? the answer is that it is desirable to be both, but because it is difficult to join them together, it is much safer for a prince to be feared than loved, if he is to fail in one of the two."
- machiavelli, the prince

"[t]he difference of characters is innate and ineradicable. the wicked man is born with his wickedness as much as the serpent is with its poisonous fangs and glands; and he is as little able to change his character as the serpent its fangs."
- schopenhauer, on the basis of morality

"that's not an argument..."
- monty python