
zoom is a web-based video-conferencing application that can be used for synchronous online classes and includes sharing abilities, collaboration features, break-out rooms, recording options, captioning and transcripts, and more. 

zoom is fully integrated with mycourselink meaning that class meetings can be scheduled and launched directly through course sites.  join links for scheduled sessions are automatically added to the course calendar for learners to easily access.  if sessions are recorded to the zoom cloud, links to these are also accessible through the course site.  

scheduling a zoom meeting (through mycourselink)
  • from the course site navbar, select zoom from the other tools dropdown menu
  • from the zoom interface, click on the schedule a new meeting button in the top right
  • enter the meeting details (title, time, duration, etc.). (some options are selected/unselected by default – review these carefully.)
  • once the meeting is scheduled, a link for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to join will automatically appear in the calendar tool (on course homepage).
  • to launch the meeting, go to zoom through other tools  when zoom launches click the start button to the right of the meeting title.
  • recordings to the cloud are available under the cloud recordings tab through the zoom link (under other tools).  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 access the cloud recordings the same way.
  • recordings saved locally to a computer will need to be uploaded to a course site. (tip: create a content folder titled recorded lectures - note, transcripts are not available through this option).

for assistance setting up zoom in mycourselink, email mycourselink@lakeheadu.ca

for general zoom support, email multimed@lakeheadu.ca

 zoom and privacy
protecting the privacy of our learners is a priority that is why we created tips and notices that should be shared with your learners to help alleviate student privacy concerns and create safe remote learning spaces.  
  • encourage learners to reach out to you if they have privacy concerns.
  • inform 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 lectures are going to be recorded and why (e.g., time zones, ability to master material, academic accommodations, etc.).
  • add the following tips and notices to your course syllabus or elsewhere on your online course site.

student privacy statement:

during recording, to protect your privacy and those of others, each student should ensure that no other person is present in their video frame. if you choose not to have your image or voice recorded, turn off your webcam, and mute your microphone. questions can be typed in the chat window.  if you are concerned about your full name being captured in the participant list or the chat function, you can use a pseudonym. these privacy decisions must be communicated to your instructor in a timely manner.

privacy tips for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 :

  • turn off webcam
  • mute microphone
  • use a pseudonym
  • limit sharing personal information
  • avoid side conversations
  • let your instructor know if you have privacy concerns

notice for recording lectures and class activities (official statement [do not alter]; updated 30 september 2020):

"in [course name, number, and section] instruction in the classroom will be recorded for confidential access by 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 registered in the course but who are unable to attend class due to the pandemic or other necessity.  to the greatest extent possible only the image and voice of the instructor will be recorded for this purpose but, due to class interaction, the images and voices of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 present in the classroom may be incidentally recorded and, thus, be available for access by course 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in remote locations.  these recordings, however, are strictly confidential and may be used only by the instructor and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 registered in the course and only for purposes related to the course. they may otherwise not be used or disclosed.  世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in the classroom who are concerned about being recorded in this fashion may request the instructor to exclude them from the recording to the greatest degree possible on the understanding that total exclusion cannot be guaranteed. the recordings are made under the authority of sections 3 and 14 of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 act, 1965.  questions about the collection of the images and sounds in the recordings may be directed to questions about the collection of the images and sounds in the recordings may be directed to [chair] [or director] [or dean] of [name of academic unit], [thunder bay or orillia campus address], [unit's telephone number]".

privacy tips for instructors:

  • start recording when class formally starts
  • pause and resume recording when 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with privacy concerns are participating
  • enable zoom feature to allow 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to change their username
 zoom tutorials
 the zoom help centre provides a wealth of support resources and training modules to help facilitate effective and successful zoom sessions.  below is a collection of useful links to get you started.  since the zoom platform is updated on a regular basis to introduce new features and functionalities and update existing ones, university members are encouraged to keep their zoom accounts updated.

note: some of the features noted above will need to be enabled in zoom first. 

  • log in to https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/
  • click on the settings link to the left of the screen.
  • click on in meetings
  • toggle on the functionality you want to enable (toggle button to the right)

 additional resources