individual project video assignment

the individual project video assignment (by bongo) is an interactive online video assessment tool to create and collect video-based assignments.  

benefits of video-based assignments: 

  • develops communication and critical thinking skills
  • builds time management and collaboration skills
  • tests understanding and comprehension
  • promotes alternative assessment strategies to accommodate different learning styles
  • provides timely and personalized feedback
  • supports the development of digital skills

example use cases

  • student introductions, presentations, comments, responses to discussion posts, etc.
  • peer sharing and assessment
  • summaries, reviews, assessments, and/or critiques of books, articles, films, ideas, theories, arguments, etc.
  • research (think "ted talks"), mini-documentaries, essay/presentations, or spoken-word assignments
  • display work and results of lab work or studio projects, physical demonstrations of skills or abilities 

watch this short video for an overview of the individual project video assignment. please note, some features highlighted in this video are not included with the individual project standard version that lakehead is using.

how the individual project video assignment works

the individual project video assignment is fully integrated with mycourselink meaning that assessments are seamlessly set up in a course site for ease of access and grading.  the video assignment involves 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 recording and uploading videos of themselves responding to questions or scenarios asynchronously.  the flexibility of options and features associated with the video assignment tool gives learners a variety of authentic and experiential learning activities to demonstrate their learning in all disciplines. 

adding a video assessment to a course site

the video assignment tool is found under the other tools drop-down menu on a course navbar.  refer to these step-by-step instructions for setting up an individual project video assignment.  please note, some features highlighted in these instructions are not included in the individual project standard version that lakehead is using.

note: after creating a video assignment, it must be added to content to make it available to the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 :

  1. click content
  2. select into an existing module or create a new one
  3. click existing activities then video assignments
  4. click on the name of the video assignment created to add it to content

grading assessments

during the setup of a video assignment, a grade type (see types below) will be identified and can be synchronized with the grade book in mycourselink.  video or text-based feedback can be synced and time-stamped within the videos allowing learners to easily find feedback at relevant points when they are reviewing the marked video assignment. 

the grading dashboard provides instructors with an interactive visual display of where their learners are in the assignment process and to assign and publish grades.  grades scores are sent over to the mycourselink grade book as a percentage based on the maximum points set up in the grade book.  

grade types

  • percentage - score an assignment between 0-100.
  • pass/fail - score learners either 100% or 0%.
  • auto pass - automatically give learners a 100% when they submit an answer. learners who have not submitted will not have a score.
  • five star - rate submissions with a 5-star rating scale. each star is worth 20%.

refer to the bongo evaluate and score submissions documentation for more details.

additional resources

bongo resources