mycourselink assignments
whether teaching online or face-to-face, assignments can be digitally collected, graded, and returned to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 through the assignments tool in mycourselink. the robust features of this tool make it possible to create and associate rubrics, track multiple draft submissions, set due dates outside class times, receive notifications when student assignments are submitted, type in feedback directly on student's work, return graded assignments securely and receive a time-stamped notification when 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 "pick up" their graded assessments.
the following is a collection of print and multimedia brightspace support resources to help instructors get started with creating and managing assignments through the assignments tool.
- take a visual tour of the assignments tool
- create an assignment through content
- copy an existing assignment
- copy assignments to other courses
- video: copy assignments to other courses
- add and edit categories to manage assignments
- hide draft assignments and content
- reorder, edit, delete, and restore assignments and categories
- set release and special access
- set availability and due dates
- about rubrics
- video: create and edit a rubric
- evaluate an assignment
- video: evaluate an assignment
- evaluate an assignment using the rubrics tool
- anonymous marking