
h5p is an online application to create, share, and reuse interactive content that can be embedded in an online course site (see instructions below), posted on a website or shared by a weblink.

h5p activities:

  • support active learning
  • test understanding and comprehension
  • provide timely and personalized feedback
  • offer interactive gamified content
  • promote informal alternative assessments for different learning styles

example use cases:

  • language learning
  • test/exam preparation
  • cloze activities
  • interactive and 3d presentations
  • writing activities
  • summary challenges
  • timeline assessments
  • surveys and open-ended questions
  • comprehension and recall exercises

how h5p works:

h5p is available through the ecampusontario h5p studio website.  to learn more about this initiative and to create a free account to create h5p content, visit this getting started page.

account-holders can create new content and or adapt/reuse existing content from the searchable h5p catalogue.  content creators have the flexibility to select the license and attribution of their choosing at the time the content is created with the option to be modified at any time.  

h5p learning objects can be easily embedded in online course sites to support the curriculum and enhance the learning experience through fun, engaging, and memorable activities.  the number of daily and overall views for each activity will be tracked and can be viewed in the dashboard of the creator’s account.  this is not tracking the completion of activities or individual users.

many of the content types are accessible. for the up-to-date list of content types that are accessible, visit https://h5p.org/documentation/installation/content-type-accessibility

h5p content types:

there are over 40 content types from which to choose, ranging from memory games to timeline events to presentation and feedback assessments that can easily align with course content. 

the complete list of content types is available on the h5p website and includes descriptions, examples, use cases, and tutorials.  linkbacks to these resources are available through the ecampusontario h5p studio site when account-holders are logged in and creating/adapting content.

embedding an h5p activity in a course site:

  1. log into h5p studio and create the activity at https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca
  2. preview the activity
  3. click “embed” (found at the bottom of the preview)
  4. select all then copy the embed code in the box (this is the text that starts with “<iframe src=”https://…”)
  5. navigate to where the activity is to appear in the course site (content page, announcement tool, etc.)
  6. click to the edit screen for that location
  7. click the “insert stuff” button (the leftmost icon on the editor bar)
  8. click “enter embed code”
  9. paste the code previously copied from step 4 into the box
  10. click “next”
  11. verify that the activity displays correctly then click “insert”
  12. click the final “save” button

additional resources: