creating a course blueprint

once you have your syllabus plan created an important next step is preparing a course blueprint (or map) of your course. by developing a blueprint for your course you can work through all of the components you will need to deliver on your syllabus statements, and support learners movements through your course.

it can be helpful to work backwards and think about what learners should be able to do by the end of course (your course outcomes express this), how they will demonstrate what they have learned (your assessment plans will gather this data), how they can practice what they are learning and prepare for assessments (apply lecture and reading content, and feedback you've provided), as well as what materials and supports they will need to help them successfully complete the course (course resources you and your student will use).

enroll in the course blueprint 2.0 workshop to access further detail and support in completing your course blueprint. it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and will 'unlock' a set of templates that you can import to your own (online) course space to speed up the process of turning your course blueprint into an engaging (online) course space.

to self-enroll and access the course blueprint site:

  1. log into mycourselink/d2l:
  2. select the self-registration link from the top navigation menu.
  3. click on the course blueprint site 2.0 registration link.
  4. click register
  5. click submit
  6. click finish
  7. click go to course offering course blueprint site 2.0