12 techniques of the holidays 2012

the 12 techniques of the holidays - an introduction

12 techniques of the holidays (#lu12tech2021) is a series of micro-lessons that showcase techniques lu faculty are using to engage with learners online! micro-learning, a way to deliver learning units and activities in small bite-size chunks, is becoming increasingly popular and is an important support to lifelong learning. most important to micro-learning is that the learner is in control of what and when they're ready to learn. in support of lakehead’s year of climate action, we have chosen supporting sustainable development goals (sdg) through learning activity as our 2021 theme!

starting on december 1, a new lesson will be published each day. you'll see the 12 techniques of the holidays home page change each day as new lessons are revealed. each lesson is a gift from one of your colleagues (and we've collected gifts from all faculties) in the form of a micro-lesson about a teaching technique, with a suggestion for how it might work effectively for you in a teaching context.

if you're teaching this winter or just interested in what your peers have been up to, why not follow along? you don't need to join in with all of them (unless you want to), simply choose the ones that interest you the most.

let us know that you want to follow along with the 12 techniques of the holidays by registering and you will receive posts on each day's 'reveal'. there will be a special gift from the teaching commons waiting for you at the end of the series, just in time for your holiday to begin!

supporting sustainable development goals (sdg) through learning activity

in 2020 our series theme was online teaching techniques. this year (2021) our 12 micro lessons will support the sustainable development goals (sdgs) set by the u.n.. these goals are relevant to the idea that action must be taken by all countries in a global partnership to create strategies for ending poverty, improving health and education, reducing inequality and tackling climate change. each mico lesson presents a technique that support one of these goals, and also provides links to further detail for each of the goals.


throughout the 12 techniques of the holidays 2021, you will see these [ # ]. if you are already in the twitterverse, then you are aware of how to collect information using hashtags (#). if you have been interested in starting to use twitter, consider starting the adventure now. we have provided you with a set of hashtags connected to each element of the site, along with questions we would love to know your answers to. it is completely up to you, but if you do share what you are learning in your micro-lessons, use the hashtags [#] provided, and we will share responses with each gift giver.

creative commons 4.0 logo
12 techniques of the holidays 2021 by teaching commons@lu is licensed under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike 4.0 international license.