teaching goals inventory self-assessment

"teaching goals inventory: self assessment of instructional goals" (pdf) presents a 53-item inventory list adapted from classroom assessment techniques: a handbook for college teachers that invites reflection on your role as a post-secondary instructor.

  • the list may be helpful as you shape your philosophy of education and other parts of your teaching dossier/teaching portfolio.
  • while question 53 invites you to define "how ... you see your primary role as a teacher," the other 52 goals focus on what you may "aim to deliberately accomplish" and respond well to a 1 to 5 scale rating based on the "importance" you attach to each in your own pedagogy. 
  • "there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; only personally more or less accurate ones." 

1. the purpose

its purpose is threefold:

  • "[t]o help college teachers become more aware of what they want to accomplish in individual courses"
  • "[t]o help faculty locate classroom assessment techniques they can adapt and use to assess how well they are achieving their teaching and learning goals"
  • "[t]o provide a starting point for discussions of teaching and learning goals among colleagues"

2. the six clusters of "essential" goals represented

  • "higher-order thinking skills"
  • "basic academic success skills"
  • "discipline-specific knowledge and skills" 
  • "liberal arts and academic values"
  • "work and career preparation"
  • "personal development"