contribution to teaching award

what is it?

the contribution to teaching award (cta) is a student-nominated award that recognizes instructors who have demonstrated high levels of teaching performance at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 . up to six awards are granted each year.

  • recipients are publicly recognized at senate and receive a monetary award of $100 each.
  • nominations can be made by any 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (minimum of 5 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 required). 
  • submit your nomination by february 15.


  • for nominations: february 15
  • for submission of teaching dossiers and supporting documents: march 31


  • all 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 full-time faculty and contract lecturers who have demonstrated high levels of teaching performance are eligible for nomination, except for instructors who have received this award within the last three years (see list of teaching award recipients below) or faculty who currently sit on the senate teaching and learning awards sub-committee.
  • we encourage 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to nominate any instructor they think worthy of this award.
  • although not all nominated instructors will win the award, nominating them provides recognition of their commitment to teaching excellence and evidence of their teaching performance, which can be used by them in annual reports to their deans, position applications, and so on.

nominated by

  • 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 (minimum of 5)

selection committee

  • the awards sub-committee makes the initial recommendation to the full stlc which then makes a recommendation for up to 6 awards to the provost.


how to nominate your instructor?

1. complete the cta nomination form with your fellow classmates.

2. put together your response to the question, "what does your instructor do to enhance and foster your learning experience?"

  • the maximum length is 2 pages, as described on the nomination form.

3. submit both documents via email to

information for nominees

  • nominations are received by the chair of the senate teaching and learning committee.
  • nominees may accept the nomination and be considered for the award or decline the nomination.
  • nominees are asked to submit a teaching dossier describing how they meet the evaluation criteria for this award.
  • nominees are encouraged to contact the teaching commons for assistance with the preparation of their teaching dossiers.
  • the senate teaching and learning committee reviews nominees for eligibility and their dossiers for evidence of high levels of teaching performance.
  • award recipients are announced and acknowledged at senate in the fall.

past recipients of the contribution to teaching award


  • dr. apparao dekka (2023) - electrical engineering
  • dr. katherine kortes-miller (2023) - school of social work
  • dr. jessica metcalfe (2023) - anthropology
  • mrs. ainsley miller (2023) - school of nursing
  • dr. george hutchinson (2023) - mathematical sciences
  • dr. gerald walton (2023) - education


  • dr. farhan ghaffar (2022) - electrical engineering
  • dr. ravi gokani (2022) - school of social work
  • dr. sarah jacoba (2022) - languages
  • dr. francisco ramos-pallares (2022) - chemical engineering
  • dr. sam salem (2022) - civil engineering
  • mr. steven secord (2022) - education


  • dr. muntasir billah (2021) - civil engineering
  • dr. camillo lento (2021) - business administration
  • dr. ahmed elshaer (2021) - civil engineering
  • dr. angela hovey (2021) - school of social work
  • ms. alexandra hudyma (2021) - mathematical sciences
  • dr. kathryn walton (2021) - english


  • dr. liang cui (2020) - civil engineering
  • dr. will zhao (2020) - business administration
  • dr. ryan mcveigh (2020) - interdisciplinary studies
  • mr. daniel dylan (2020) - law
  • dr. julie rosenthal(2020) - outdoor recreation, parks & tourism


  • dr. frances chapman (2019) - law
  • dr. leonard hutchison (2019) - natural resources management
  • dr. kristen jones-bonifiglio (2019) - nursing
  • dr. aislin mushquash (2019) - psychology
  • dr. frederico oliveira (2019) - anthropology
  • dr. beth visser (2019) - interdisciplinary studies and psychology


  • dr. steven jobbitt  (2018) - history
  • dr. vijay mago (2018) - computer science
  • dr. jan oakley (2018) - education and women's studies
  • dr. catherine phillips (2018) - school of social work
  • dr. sam salem  (2018) - civil engineering
  • dr. wilson wang (2018) - mechanical engineering


  • dr. michael hoechsmann (2017) - education
  • dr. tim kaiser (2017) - anthropology
  • dr. constance russell (2017) - education
  • dr. angela van barneveld (2017) - education
  • dr. ruth beatty (2017) - education


  • dr. siamak elyasi (2016) - chemical engineering
  • dr. sabah mohammed (2016) - computer science
  • dr. sudip kumar rakshit (2016) - chemical engineering
  • dr. greg spivak (2016) - chemistry
  • dr. gerald walton (2016) - education
  • dr. kam yu (2016) - economics


  • dr. rhonda koster (2015) - outdoor recreation, parks and tourism
  • dr. sree kurissery (2015) - sustainability sciences and biology
  • dr. wayne melville (2015) - education
  • dr. doug morris (2015) - biology
  • dr. robert omeljaniuk (2015) - biology
  • dr. matt roy (2015) -education


  • dr. matthew boyd (2014) - anthropology
  • dr. todd randall (2014) - geography and the environment
  • dr. osama salem (2014) - civil engineering
  • dr. chander shahi (2014) - natural resources management
  • dr. michael stevenson (2014) - history
  • dr. mirella stroink (2014) - psychology


  • dr. zubairu wai (2013) - political science


  • dr. daniel hannah (2012) - english
  • dr. mary louise hill (2012) - geology
  • dr. richard khoury (2012) - software engineering
  • dr. linda rodenburg (2012) - interdisciplinary studies
  • dr. mirella stroink (2012) - psychology
  • dr. adam van tuyl (2012) - mathematical sciences


  • dr. leonard hutchison (2011) - natural resources management
  • dr. rupert klein (2011) - psychology
  • dr. tony puddephatt (2011) - sociology

  • dr. david richards (2011) - business administration
  • mr. randy wilkie (2011) - education


  • dr. monica flegel (2010) - english

  • dr. timothy kaiser (2010) - interdisciplinary studies and anthropology
  • dr. camillo lento (2010) - business administration
  • dr. jane nicholas (2010) - history
  • dr. jennifer roth (2010) - women's studies

  • charles xu (2010) - chemical engineering


  • mr. kevin cleghorn (2009) - political science
  • dr. james gellert (2009) - english

  • dr. harvey lemelin (2009) - orpt

  • dr. reg horne (2009) - interdisciplinary studies

  • dr. chander shahi (2009) - natural resources management
  • dr. rachel warburton (2009) - english


  • dr. jason blahuta (2008) philosophy
  • dr. lisa korteweg (2008) - education
  • dr. timothy hardie (2008) business administration
  • dr. randle nelsen (2008) - sociology
  • dr. adam van tuyl (2008) - mathematical sciences


  • dr. philip allingham (2007) - education
  • dr. douglas ivison (2007) - english

  • dr. wayne melville (2007) - education

  • prof. donald napierala (2007) - education


  • dr. seth agbo (2006) - education
  • dr. sabah mohammed (2006) - computer science

  • dr. marie-noelle rinne (2006) - languages
  • dr. batia stolar (2006) - english
  • dr. mendi zahaf (2006) - business administration
  • dr. michael zettek (2006) - education 


  • dr. serajul islam (2005) - political science
  • dr. ruby farrell (2005) - indigenous learning
  • dr. abdelhamid tayebi (2005) - electrical engineering


  • dr. lori chambers (2004) - women’s studies
  • dr. walter epp (2004) - education
  • dr. jinan fiaidi (2004) - computer science
  • dr. janice hughes (2004) - biology
  • dr. david kemp (2004) - geography
  • dr. mohammad nasir uddin (2004) - electrical engineering
  • prof. karen poole (2004) - nursing


  • dr. keith brownlee (2003) - social work
  • dr. anthony lariviere (2003) - philosophy
  • prof. alexa mckinnon (2003) - education
  • dr. bruce muirhead (2003) - history


  • dr. roger delaney (2002) - social work
  • dr. lada malek (2002) - biology
  • prof. kevin ride (2002) - forestry & the forest environment
  • prof. susan sajna-hebert (2002) - psychology
  • dr. gillian siddall (2002) - english
  • dr. adam van tuyl (2002) - mathematical sciences


  • dr. ann kajander (2001) - mathematical sciences
  • prof. cindy soldon (2001) - english
  • dr. michael stones (2001) - psychology
  • prof. susan tiura (2001) - english

prior to 2000

  • dr. brian lorch (1998) - geography
  • prof. alain nabarra (1998) - languages
  • dr. randle nelson (1998) sociology
  • dr. raoul ruiperez (1998) - sociology
  • prof. pat warywoda (1998) - english
  • dr. k.c. yang (1998) - forestry & the forest environment
  • ms. donna newhouse (1997) - biology
  • dr. g. o’bireck (1996) - sociology
  • prof. d. mazmanian (1996) - psychology
  • dr. miao (1996) - mathematical sciences
  • prof. s. sajna-hebert (1996) - psychology
  • prof. t. stevens (1996) - outdoor recreation, parks & tourism
  • dr. julie zhou (1996) - mathematical sciences
  • dr. aris carastathis (1995) - music
  • dr. scott hamilton (1995) - anthropology
  • dr. dan klassen (1995) - education
  • dr. doug west (1995) - political science
  • dr. k. natarajan (1994) - engineering
  • dr. kim fedderson (1993) - english
  • dr. jim haines (1993) - education
  • dr. jeanette lynes (1993) - english
  • dr. darlene steven (1993) - nursing
  • dr. rick freitag (1992) - biology
  • prof. alain nabarra (1992) - languages
  • prof. pam wakewich (1992) - women’s studies
  • prof. ken allan (1991) - psychology
  • dr. jim haines (1991) - education
  • prof. lillian hoffman  (1991) - nursing
  • dr. azim malik (1991) - biology
  • dr. kit minor (1991) - english
  • dr. don power (1991) - education
  • dr. doug alexander (1990) - business administration
  • dr. m.h. khan (1990)
  • dr. brian o’connor (1990) - psychology
  • dr. m. sellick (1990) - social work
  • prof. pat warywoda (1990) - english
  • dr. m. zettek (1990) - education