application open for innovation award 2024
you are innovative ... and you might not know it!
staff, faculty and 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , have you:
- solved a pain point or resolved a challenge within your office or department?
- created a new event, procedure or process to enhance efficiency or better the lakehead experience?
- offered or implemented a new service to enhance the lives of the lakehead community?
- championed or promoted lakehead or contributed to its culture by sharing your ideas or identified problem-solving solutions?
if you've done even one of these things, congratulations! you're an innovative member of the lakehead team. we want to hear your story!
click here to complete the application for a chance to win $250.
applications are due by sunday, dec. 15, 2024 for consideration of the 2025 research & innovation week awards.
one winner will be selected at the discretion of iped, based on creativity and innovation. research innovations are also welcomed.