student affairs - orillia campus

orillia: community connections and part-time job fair

check out the orsi learning commons and learn about what local businesses and organizations in orillia and area have to offer. you'll have the chance to connect with local leaders who offer amazing products, services, volunteer and part-time job opportunities, and more! you might even be in store for some free swag! this event is partnered with career services.

event name: orillia, community connections and part-time job fair
location: orsi learning commons
date: september 24, 2024
time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

orillia: department fair

get familiar with the various student services available to you as a student on campus and connect with faculty and staff.

event name: orillia, department fair 
location: orsi learning commons
date: september 3, 2024
time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am


safetalk workshop

safetalk is a four-hour, in-person workshop to build skills in suicide prevention. participants will learn how to recognize and engage with someone thinking about suicide, overcome attitudes that act as barriers to help, talk openly about suicide and connect with intervention resources for further support.

through presentations, audiovisuals, small group discussion and scenario practice, you will learn a four-step talk model and practical steps to help activate a suicide alert that connects people having thoughts of suicide with more specialized intervention care and relevant resources.

all participants will receive a learning booklet, resources and a certificate of completion.

registration is required, space is limited.

sign up here

blurred background of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
 in lecture room with projector screen

show your pride

join us in celebrating pride! drop by the picnic tables outside the dining hall between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to take part in show your pride event activities including:

lawn games
crafts and donations for the gilbert centre
painting picnic tables with designs in recognition of two spirited folks and allies
wellness information and supplies
pizza and cake pops (will be available at 12pm)

this event is open to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, and staff

(or) safetalk

safetalk is a 4-hour, in-person workshop to build skills in suicide prevention. participants will learn how to recognize and engage with someone thinking about suicide, overcome attitudes that act as barriers to help, talk openly about suicide and connect with intervention resources for further support.

through presentations, audiovisuals, small group discussion and scenario practice, you will learn a 4-step talk model and practical steps to help activate a suicide alert that connects people having thoughts of suicide with more specialized intervention care and relevant resources.

show your pride

join us in celebrating pride! drop by the picnic tables outside the dining hall between 11am - 2pm to take part in show your pride event activities including:

  • lawn games
  • crafts and donations for the gilbert centre
  • painting picnic tables with designs in recognition of two spirited folks and allies
  • wellness information and supplies
  • pizza and cake pops (will be available at 12pm)

this event is open to 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, and staff.

(or) wiigwasitig gitigaan 'birch tree garden' day

you are invited to wiigwasitig gitigaan ‘birch tree garden’ day!

drop in anytime between 8 am and 2:30 pm for gardening in the medicine wheel teaching garden and three sisters garden. gardening is a fun and relaxing activity that supports many facets of wellness including emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental wellbeing. it helps distract the mind, putting it into a quiet and relaxed state, while positively impacting mood and brain chemistry. please bring water, a hat and sunscreen. light refreshments will be provided. everyone is welcome.

(or) wiigwasitig gitigaan 'birch tree garden' day

you are invited to wiigwasitig gitigaan ‘birch tree garden’ day!

drop in anytime between 8 am and 3 pm for gardening in the medicine wheel teaching garden and three sisters garden. gardening is a fun and relaxing activity that supports many facets of wellness including emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental wellbeing. it helps distract the mind, putting it into a quiet and relaxed state, while positively impacting mood and brain chemistry. please bring water, a hat and sunscreen. light refreshments will be provided. everyone is welcome.

(or) it's your move: drop-in pickleball

break a sweat this afternoon with student health and wellness! drop by the tennis courts outside rotary place any time between 12pm - 2pm to play a game of pickleball or tennis, or meet up with fellow thunderwolves for a walk along the paths through the west orillia sports complex.

notes regarding pickleball/tennis: no experience is required, we're all learning together! the courts can't be booked, so we will play on whichever courts are available.


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