canadian armed forces

alumnus and faculty member appointed by minister of national defence as honorary lieutenant colonel

photo by cpl miguel moldez, eagle’s nest pa cell. hlcol michel beaulieu, right, of the lake superior scottish regiment has a chat with 38 brigade group public affairs officer lieutenant stacie nelles and 38 canadian brigade group commander col geoff abthorpe while watching eagle’s nest 2018 indigenous youth camp participants play soccer in fort williams first nation on aug 8.

congratulations to dr. michel beaulieu, chair of lakehead's department of history and president of the university's alumni association.

the minister of national defence, the honourable harjit sajjan, has appointed dr. beaulieu as the honorary lieutenant colonel of the lake superior scottish regiment.

honorary colonels are vital to fostering esprit de corps within their communities. through their established relationships and reputations, they build and develop community support by enhancing the public profile of the army. honorary colonels are seen to be guardians of army traditions and history, promoting regimental identity and ethos, and supporting commanders in various ways.

beaulieu has a long been a supporter of the canadian armed forces, playing an active role in a number of initiatives focused on historical and contemporary issues.

these have ranged from commemorative projects, to the exploration of educational and employment opportunities for reservists. under his leadership as chair, the department of history was honoured by the canadian forces liaison council (cflc) in 2015 with its award of excellence for best practices in employer support: educational institution (manitoba).

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