health promotion and wellness activities

keeping active as the cold weather approaches

it can be hard to stay motivated when it comes to getting physical activity, but it can be especially difficult when the weather gets cold. in the winter, there aren’t as many sports to play and a lot of us don’t want to go out for long walks. the below-zero temperatures are not only unpleasant, but they also mean putting on lots of extra clothing, including heavy coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and boots. if someone is already feeling exhausted and unmotivated, all these extra layers can feel like a big chore to put on.


however, it’s incredibly important to keep getting exercise. physical activity has been proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, boost energy levels, strengthen muscles, and enhance cognitive performance. there are many great ways to keep fit while staying indoors and lots of online resources that can help you do this. for instance, you could try following youtube tutorials for:


  • yoga
  • tai chi
  • workout routines
  • dance


remember to go easy on yourself. the goal of getting exercise is not to compete with others and put yourself down. the goal is to keep your mind and body happy and healthy. it is also important to note that you do not have to do the exercises exactly like the people in the videos to reap the benefits. if you have trouble finding time to do these activities, or if they ever feel too daunting, there are many simple tasks you can do to get physical activity. take short breaks (even a few minutes) from your schoolwork and try things like:

  • stretching out your body
  • walking down a flight of stairs and back up
  • playing with a pet
  • performing domestic tasks (e.g. cooking, sweeping, vacuuming, or laundry)

no matter how cold it is outside and no matter how busy life gets, it is important to find time to move your body. aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. exercise is essential for your health and wellbeing.

food and mood

join the food resource centre and student health and wellness to learn more about the relationship between food and mood. snacks provided and attendees will be entered in a draw for a $25 grocery gift card. 

(or) kindness day activities

world kindness day is a day devoted to promoting kindness throughout the world, and understanding the positive potential of large and small acts of kindness. this year's theme: make kindness the norm

join student success and student health & wellness for some kindness activities to share kindness with yourself and others!

activities include:

  • making kindness bracelets
  • kindness bingo
  • colouring pages
  • kindness message board
  • quotes and cards

wear blue to show your support!

(or) take10 - self-care check-in

take10 to integrate some self-care into your day and check-in with yourself during a busy exam season!
join student health and wellness for some quiet activities to give yourself the time and space to reflect on how you are feeling this exam season. a few giveaways will be available so you can take what you need based on how you are feeling.

(or) take10 - sleep

sleep is critical for learning and memory. the process of learning is actively taken up by your brain during sleep, especially during the rem stage. sleep is essential for long-term memory formation and it is during sleep that memory consolidation and enhancement occurs.

stop by the student health and wellness table located in the orsi family learning commons (simcoe hall) on december 7th between 2 – 4 pm to learn about the importance of healthy sleep habits and tips on how to get a better nights rest.

(or) take10 - stress management

taking care of your health and practicing healthy habits is a key strategy to manage stress during exam time. this includes, eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, exercising, and taking some time to relax and connect with yourself and others. trying to do it all can feel overwhelming, but even taking 10 minutes to do something for yourself can make a difference in managing stress.  take10 with student health and wellness to make your own stress ball and learn more tips for stress management.

take10 - sleep

sleep is critical for learning and memory. the process of learning is actively taken up by your brain during sleep, especially during the rem stage. sleep is essential for long-term memory formation and it is during sleep that memory consolidation and enhancement occurs.

stop by the student health and wellness table located in the ryan building november 18th between 10:30am and 12:30pm to learn about the importance of healthy sleep habits and tips on how to get a better nights rest.

take10 - know your status

stop by the student health and wellness table located in the regional centre lobby november 9th from 1:30-3:30pm to grab a safe night out kit, learn about safer sex, healthy relationships, and sexual orientation and gender identity, and find out about other local sexual health resources available to you. getting tested and knowing your status is critical in protecting yourself and your sexual partners.

i moustache you a question: movember trivia night

do you know your handlebars from your lampshades?  your charlie chaplins from your gomez addams? 

lusu, the outpost and student health and wellness are putting your movember knowledge to the test in support of men's health!

sign up as a team and show off your moustache and men's health knowledge. no cost for registration but donations to movember will be accepted. 

the outpost has put together a prize for the winner. 


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