health promotion and wellness activities

(or) wellu wednesday: block party

get familiar with wellness services on and off campus and meet the lakehead staff here to support you while you are a thunderwolf. there will be facility tours, outdoor games and activities, food, and giveaways!

you’ll be able to learn about health and wellness services available on campus and meet the providers including:

wellu wednesday: fall flavourtown

celebrate fall flavours with student health and wellness and the food resource centre. 

join us for a roots to harvest pop-up market, the little pie shop, fall treats and activities while learning more about nutrition and food security resources available to you!

pre-register for a fall meal kit of vegetarian shepherd pie and apple crisp for only $5, supplies limited. 

sign up here

wellu wednesday: it's your move rec fest

join us outside the athletics facilities for some outdoor games and to find out how to get active and involved with athletics and recreation at lakehead. 

learn about the fitness facilities, intramural sports and fitness programming on campus, meet reps from lakehead club sports teams and student clubs, and find out about the jobs that are available within athletics. 


wellu wednesday: block party

get familiar with wellness services on and off campus and meet the lakehead staff here to support you while you are a thunderwolf. there will be facility tours, outdoor games and activities, food, and giveaways!

you’ll be able to learn about:

  • student health and wellness

  • office of human rights and equity

  • campus rec

  • reslife

  • aramark

(or) garden party

the long weekend is just about here! join us for mocktails in the wiigwasitig gitigaan 'birch tree garden' to kick off the long weekend and learn how to celebrate safely while enjoying the beautiful summer weather. topics will include: sun safety, staying hydrated, exercising in the heat, safe(r) substance use, and tick safety. brought to you by student health and wellness and indigenous initiatives.

(or) grow your own herbs

did you know?? herbs are super easy to grow and are packed full of nutrients! herbs can easily be grown indoors all year long, and add a burst of flavour and nutrition to any meal. join student health and wellness and indigenous initiatives in the wiigwasitig gitigaan 'birch tree garden' to test out your green thumb and try planting some herbs, then take them home and help them grow. we will also have some delicious recipes available to give you some ideas of how you can use your herbs at home (think savoury sauces, refreshing beverages, and gourmet snacks).

(or) show your pride lakehead

show your pride lakehead - june 28, 1:00pm - 4:00pm outside the cafeteria

we want to celebrate pride month! on this day student success centre, student health and wellness, and lusa join forces to celebrate pride.

tie-dye shirts (with your own clothing) to bring out your colours, ppzza by lusu and sexual wellness information and supplies by student health and wellness, and more!


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