first name: robert
bacehlor of arts and science, interdisciplinary studies
clarkson, on
"i was an alcoholic and drug addict who had barely survived seven years of homelessness, 16 years of being in and out of jail, and dangerous associations with organized crime. my transformation journey began the day i checked myself into a detox centre, which led to a three-month stay at the seven south treatment centre in orillia, which was a life-altering learning process.
first name: nerhys
milton, ontario
i chose 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 because of its small student body; when recruiters tell you at lakehead you're a person, not a number, they mean it. i have never regretted my decision on choosing this university. in every course i have taken so far in my university career, every single one of the professors have been great. i can't count the number of times i stayed after classes just to chat with the professors.
first name: kailee
environmental management
thunder bay, ontario
first name: regina
honour bachelor of commerce
peawanuck, on
i chose lakehead because of the success rate of lakehead business graduates in the workplace. i know that with a business degree, it will help me help others and make a difference with other aboriginal people from home or all over ontario.
first name: vyankatesh
mechanical engineering
mumbai, india
i took advantage of lakehead's engineering college transfer program. one of the good things about lakehead is the size of its classes. small class sizes allow greater participation during lectures and labs, which promotes a better overall learning experience. i'm never shy to go to a professor’s office any time i am having a problem. they are always there to help me out.
first name: kara
hba history/concurrent education
kingston, on
first name: celine
hba psychology
sioux lookout, on
i chose lakehead because it offers a great psychology program, and i knew that i could have a better learning experience being in more intimate classrooms and having more opportunity to communicate with my professors. the university atmosphere is very welcoming and supportive and is helping me reach my educational goals.
first name: samantha
first name: kyle
first name: eric