orillia - bookstore

photo of chris glover

dr. chris glover, ba, ma, edd (he/him/his)

associate vice-president, administration
+1 (705) 330-4010ext. 2112
oa 2001e
mon-fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

rachel giardino

bookstore supervisor
+1 (705) 330-4010ext. 2857
caf 1001ca

for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in orillia

as an orillia student, you have a variety of needs that we can help you to fulfill. use the following to find your necessary textbooks, purchase books, and find out where to resell your used texts as well as other important information.

find & buy your textbooks

this is an image of a student reading a textbook in the library. click to find and buy/rent your textbooks

sell us your used textbooks

this is a picture of 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
 sitting in the cafeteria. click for information about how to sell us your used textbooks

get your lakehead merchandise

this is a picture of a student wearing a lakehead sweatshirt. click to find and buy your lakehead merchandise

about our return policy

this is a picture of a professor holding a book while helping two 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛
. click to learn more about our return policy

i am an orillia student/faculty/staff

the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 photo id card (the "card") is the official means of identification at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 for administrative, security, and academic purposes. the university requires all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty, and staff to have an official, valid university photo id card on their persons when on campus. your receipt and continued possession and use of the card mean that you agree without qualification to all the "terms and conditions for possession and use of the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 photo id card".

questions?  contact bookstro@lakeheadu.ca

all 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , faculty and staff at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 orillia campus are required to have on their person a university photo identification card while on campus.

anyone requesting information relating to the orillia campus photo id card should email the bookstore at bookstro@lakeheadu.ca.


how to obtain an id card:

  • your first id card is available at no cost

  • replacement cards are $25.00


  1. send an email to bookstro@lakeheadu.ca, with the following information:
  2. subject line: "name of program/location" - "year" - id card
    • examples:
      • lakehead orillia - 1st year - id card
      • lu-gc - 3rd yr student - id card
      • employee id card
  3. name, lakehead email address, student id / employee id number and attach a photograph of yourself.
  4. attach your photo:
    • you must provide a passport-style photo (smiling allowed and encouraged).
    • your photo must reflect your current appearance.
    • your face must be fully and clearly visible (no sunglasses or hats).
    • your photo must be centered and taken straight on, with face and shoulders centred and squared to the camera.
    • your photo must have uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections.
    • your photo must be clear, sharp and in focus.
    • your photo must be in colour with a uniform white background.
    • your photo must not be digitally altered (cropping and resizing is acceptable).
    • your photo must be in jpeg format with a minimum image size of 300 pixels high x 240 pixels wide.
    • your image file must be no larger than 2mb. 

id card samples


if any of the requested information is missing you will be contacted by email.

once your id card has been printed you will be emailed by the bookstore, and be provided information about your id card along with details about the bookstore.

subscribe to orillia - bookstore