staying on track

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is committed to helping you throughout your entire university experience. 

your success is important to us! that is why we are here to help you stay on track as well as help you get back on track! sometimes your journey may have bumps and turns along the way, but, there are many ways we can help you stay on track as well as get back on track during times when you may deviate from your original plan. 

tips to help you stay on track (and get back on track):

  • review your progress
    have you reviewed your grades from the previous term - how did you do? do you know how your grades have affected your major average and cumulative average? are you on track to meeting your program requirements? these are all really important questions for you to find the answers to. 

  • book an appointment with an academic advisor 
    get to know your academic or faculty advisor. your advisor can help to ensure you are registered in the right courses that will help you towards meeting your program requirements and lead you towards graduation. it is never too early to start planning for when you walk across the stage with your lakehead degree in hand.

  • review your study habits
    is your study style working? are you putting in enough time outside of the classroom to stay on top of your readings, assignments, advanced test/exam preparation? the student success centre runs a variety of skills for success workshops for you to take advantage of.  

  • visit your professors
    your professors are your greatest resource. what makes lakehead truly exceptional and unconventional is the close interactions you can have with your professors. get to know them and seek help if you are having difficulties. they have regular office hours and you can always catch them before or after class. 

  • take advantage of the supports available 
    there are so may supports available to you. whether you could use some tutoring assistance or could benefit from learning how to better manage your time or take better notes in class, there are success workshops available for you. the math and writing centres are also great resources to seek extra help in these particular areas. 

  • attend your classes regularly
    attending classes is by far the #1 way to stay on track. attend classes and pay attention. remove any distractions from your space, sit near the front, ask questions and stay engage in your studies. 

  • understand the requirements of your program 
    if you haven't already become familiar with the academic calendar, now is the time to do so. review the requirements for your program as well as the regulations for the university, your faculty and your program. 

  • ask us!
    along the way, if you are ever in doubt, ask us and we can help direct you on where and how we can best support you.