degree audit

as you prepare to graduate, it is imperative you are meeting the requirements for your program of study along with the regulations of the university, your faculty and department.

meeting the requirements for your program of study is critical to your academic success and staying on the right track to graduation. in order to be considered for graduation, you will need to satisfy all these requirements. planning ahead and seeking advice along the way will help to ensure you stay on track. 

one tool available to you to help with ensuring you are completing the right courses is the my program requirements (degree audit) found in myinfo. the tool looks at the courses you have taken and what you still need to complete in order to meet the requirements of your program.  note: the degree audit is a guide only! you should always seek advice from your faculty/program chair or a student central professional.  each student scenario is different (i.e. you may have changed programs), so, only use this to gain a sense of what you still may need to complete or satisfy. 

if you haven't already done so, take a look at your degree audit. what does it say? here's a handy guide to help you better understand what it means: 

what are the components of a degree audit?

  • the top portion will have your personalized information including; name, program of study, student number, email address, and "catalog" year which reflects the year you started the program

  • the program summary portion gives you an overview of the program requirements, what you have already completed and what you have remaining to complete

  • the degree audit then outlines your program requirements in the hierarchy of:the bottom of the degree audit will list "other courses". these reflect any failed/repeated courses or courses that are not used/needed for your program requirements

    • major requirements

    • other requirements - this section lists any program requirements which are outside of the major subject, and may be composed of specific course numbers, subjects, groups or types

    • open electives - courses which you have flexibility in choosing the subject matter

    • major average calculation - this section shows all courses in your major subject area and calculates the average. note that all courses taken in your particular major will contribute towards the major average regardless of whether is it required to fulfill program requirements. normally, the major average must be a minimum of 70% for an honours degree and a minimum of 60% for a bachelor degree

    • list of first year credits - this section shows all courses you have taken at the first year level. it is important to note that every program has a maximum number of first year credits that can be applied to your degree requirements. any courses over the program maximum will not be used towards the degree requirements

what does "what if i changed my program of study" mean?

the degree audit tool not only allows you to audit your current program, but if you are considering changing programs, you can select an alternate program to see how your completed credits and registered courses fit into the program selected. the "what if" selection allows you to choose from any program 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 offers.