day of - what to expect

to help you anticipate what to expect throughout your special day, here's a guide to help ensure your day is a memorable and enjoyable one. 

plan ahead

planning ahead will help to ensure there are no surprises once you arrive. review the following list to review some important tips and reminders:

  • leave your personal belongings, such as purses, bags, jackets, phones, keys, etc. with one of your guests or in your vehicle. you will not be returning to your original seat during the ceremony.

  • dress appropriately - the venue can become warm, so, you will most likely want to wear something lighter under your regalia. some people may prefer to leave their suit jackets with their guests as there will not be a coat check available for this event.

  • since this is a formal ceremony, kindly ensure that cell phones and/or mobile devices are turned off or placed on silent.

  • remember to bring the receipt that was emailed to you when you rented your regalia, you will need this to pick up your regalia.

when you arrive

ensure you arrive on time to the location and by the time provided to you. once you arrive, you will:

  1. pick up your guest tickets (if needed)
    you may pick up your guest tickets on the day of your ceremony. 

  2. pick up your platform card
    the platform card will identify your name, faculty, program, and platform number on it. you will need to show this card when you cross the stage so keep it handy. the name reader will use it to announce your name as you cross the stage. if you have a name that is normally difficult to pronounce, you may want to use a pen/marker to add a phonetic spelling of your name to the card to assist the reader.

  3. pick up your academic regalia (gown and hood)
    once you have your platform card you will be able to pick up your regalia (gown and hood). make sure you have the gaspard receipt that was emailed to you when you pre-ordered your regalia online. you will need to present this receipt in order to pick up your gown and hood. if you did not pre-order your regalia ahead of time, the "day of" rental fee will be $100.

getting ready

once you have your gown and hood, there will be volunteers nearby to help you put them on. 

prepare for marshalling/line up 

you will be marshaled depending on the degree/diploma type you are receiving. for example, arts and science 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 will be marshaled separately from business 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . signs will be posted to assist you. if you are unsure of your degree type, you can view it on your platform card. 

procession line - official start of the ceremony

when the ceremony is about to start, the marshals will lead you into the area so please follow their directions. as a reminder, the ceremony will be recorded and streamed live so smile for the camera! music will be playing to help you start to enjoy this special moment. 

the ceremony

the ceremony itself will contain a variety of components including an invocation, welcome, voices from the class etc. there will be a convocation program on your chair so you can follow along with the order of proceedings. 

your moment - crossing the stage 

during the ceremony when it's time to cross the stage, you will be prompted by the marshals to get ready for lining up. remember to bring your platform card with you. at this point, the marshals will once again ask to see your card and may make some last minute order/line changes. you will then be directed to the podium where you will give the card to the name reader.

as your name is being read, you will cross the stage. in the middle of the stage, you will greet the chancellor of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , nod and pose for your official convocation photo. 

return to the seating area

after crossing the stage you will return to the seating area, but you will not return to the same seat as you were in previously. for this reason you should not carry anything into the venue with you. we advise that you leave purses, bags, jackets, phones, keys, etc. with your guests or in your vehicle. 

the ceremony will continue as each graduate crosses the stage. finally, the ceremony will be wrapped up with a few parting greetings. 

the recessional

at the end of the ceremony your marshals will guide you out of the venue. you may want to plan ahead with your guests as to where to meet up in the venue when the ceremony is finished. this is a great time to take some photos! 

following the ceremony, you are invited to attend reception on campus. afterwards, please return your regalia to the designated drop-off area and pick up your degree parchment. 

enjoy your day, and congratulations!