transcript legend

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is a fully accredited english speaking canadian university with full membership in the council of ontario universities (cou) and universities canada. the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 act, 1965 was given royal assent by the lieutenant governor of ontario on june 22, 1965 and came into force on july 1, 1965.

grading system

graduate degree

gradebefore sept. 1973after sept. 1973
a+ - 90 - 100
a 75 - 100 80 - 89
b 66 - 74 70 - 79
c 60 - 65 60 - 69
d - -
e - -
f 0 - 59 0 - 59

graduate diploma

gradebefore sept. 1973after sept. 1973
a+ - 90 - 100
a 75 - 100 80 - 89
b 66 - 74 70 - 79
c 60 - 65 60 - 69
d 50 - 59 50 - 59
e - -
f 0 - 49 0 - 49

undergaduate degree &

gradebefore sept. 1973after sept. 1973
a+ - 90 - 100
a 75 - 100 80 - 89
b 66 - 74 70 - 79
c 60 - 65 60 - 69
d 50 - 59 50 - 59
e - 40 - 49
f 0 - 49 0 -39

please note: after april 1985, a mark of 0 denotes academic misconduct.

graduation: degrees and diplomas are awarded twice a year; spring and fall.

explanation of abbreviations:

  • adv - advanced standing
  • aeg - aegrotat
  • aud - audit
  • chl - challenge examination
  • cr - credit
  • cv - conversion
  • def - deferred examination
  • ex - exempt
  • exe - exemption
  • f - failed
  • fa - failed attempt
  • fnc - fail no credit
  • fnw - failure no withdrawal
  • inc - incomplete
  • ip - in progress
  • nmr - no mark recorded
  • p - pass
  • pcr - pass credit
  • plc - credit for previous 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 course
  • req - required course
  • spc - special examination
  • sup - supplemental examination
  • tcf - transfer credit failure
  • tcr - transfer credit/exchange/lop
  • w - withdrew
  • wwp - withdrew without permission

course numbering system breakdown

the following information will help identify the different properties of the course numbering system. we will be using comp 3025g fab as an example.

  • comp - the first four characters indicate the subject.
  • 3 - this first digit indicates the year level. the following legend explains the numbering further:
    • 0 - no year level designation (may be taken in any year of study).
    • 1 - normally first year.
    • 2 - normally second year.
    • 3 - normally third year.
    • 4 - normally fourth year.
    • 5 - normally fith year/masters level.
    • 6 - normally sixth year/doctoral level.
    • 7 - non-academic courses.
    • 8 - non-credit professional.
    • 9 - normally non-credit placeholder.
  • 0 - no information.
  • 2 - third digit indicates course weight. even numbers indicate a full credit (0-8) and odd numbers (1-9) indicate a half credit. odd numbers may also be used for quarter credits in the example of educ courses.
  • 5 - no information.
  • g - if the last character of the course number ends in g this indicates it is a georgian college course.
  • f - the first character indicates the term.
    • fall (sept-dec)
    • year (sept-apr)
    • winter (jan-apr)
    • spring (may-jun)
    • a is summer (jul-aug)
    • graduate (may-aug)
  • a - the second character assists in identifying the different times the course is offered.
  • b - the third character indicates location.
    • barrie
    • orillia

additional information:

course numbering system effective september 1974. refer to appropriate academic calendar for prior numbering information.

course weight of 1.00 normally consists of twenty-four (24) weeks of three (3) lecture hours per week.

course weight of 0.50 normally consists of twelve (12) weeks of three (3) lecture hours per week.

graduate level courses including but not limited to dissertation, thesis and practicum may be weighted differently.

placeholder designation is used for those terms where a graduate student is involved in research and writing of a graduate paper, project, thesis or dissertation. final grade is assigned to the corresponding 5th or 6th year level course designation.

need help?

questions regarding 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 official transcripts may be directed to enrolment services.

by telephone: 807-343-8500
by fax: 807-343-8156