ࡱ> 685 bjbj a rr $$$$$8888,d8!:[>  $j#% $[[ $$ .$$  ckpΌ3"[{  0!c& &kk&$c8 t!& :  math 2255 -- linear algebra i fall 2014 instructor: dr. liping liu, rb2001, ext.8427, lipingli@lakeheadu.ca office hours: wednesday 1:00pm -- 2:00pm or by appointment lectures: wednesday & friday, 11:30am -- 1:00pm, rb3044 textbook: linear algebra and its applications, 4th edition, by lay, david c course web: mycourselink course content: matrices and systems of linear equations; linear transformations and matrices; elementary matrix algebra; determinants; vector spaces; change of bases; real eigenvalues and eigenvectors; applications. these are covered in chapters 1 5. assignments: weekly assignments will be posted on the course website and are due in one week. all assignments should be placed in the math 2255 assignment box on the second floor of ryan building before 12:00 midnight of the due date. to be fair to everyone, late assignments will not be accepted unless there is a valid documented reason. exams: an eighty-minute mid-term is scheduled during the lecture hour on wednesday, october 22, 2014. no make-up test is provided for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 who miss writing the mid-term at the scheduled time. if there is a legitimate (documented) excuse, the final mark will be calculated on the basis of the final exam. otherwise, a grade of 0% for the missed exam will be averaged with other grades. a three-hour final examination will be scheduled at the end of this term. grading scheme: assignments ..................... 15% mid-term ...... 25% final exam .......................................... 60% if you are having difficulty, or have questions, please ask me for help! )*+,7ilrz[\qr´tiavmamhs(hpcj\ajh|ccj\ajhs(h,cjajh$cjajhc lh%bcjaj$h.h0j>*b*cjajphhc lcjaj hc lcjhs(h%bcjajhx=cjajhs(h%b5cjajhs(h%b5>*cjaj h10jhw0jcj$\aj$h gh10jcj$\aj$h gh10jcj(\aj(h gh1cj$aj$ h?jcj+,rs [ \ } ~ } ~ $a$gder$a$gd ^`gd gdq3 `gd1 `gdjp `$a$gdbgd1   ' : ; Ƹtewg7ghs(hq30j56cjajhs(her0j56cjajhs(h%b5cj\ajhs(h%b5>*cj\ajhs(h1cjajhcjajhs(hcj\ajhcj\ajhuqcjajh_tcjajhs(h%b5cjajhs(h%b5>*cjajhjpcjajhs(h%bcjaj hs(hpb* cj\ajphhs(hpcj\ajh(=cj\aj; < g i x z \ g p | } ~ w x j { } ~ ǻ}qdvk@k4hs(her5cjajhs(hkcjajhs(hcjajhs(h0j5cjajhs(her0jcjajhs(h%b5cjajhs(h%b5>*cjajhx=h%b5cjajhwh cj\ajhwh 5cjajhs(h 5cjajhwh >*cjajh 56cjajhs(hq3cjajhx=5cjajhs(hq35cjajhs(hq356cjaj~ j  ) 5 : ; = ǺǭǞׄxofzqzh?z?oh@5\ajh]5\ajhs(hkrajhs(hkr5\ajhf 5\ajhs(h%bajhs(h%b5>*ajhs(h%bcjajhs(hkr56cj\ajhs(hkr5cj\]ajhs(hkrcjpjajhq5cjpj\ajhs(hkr5cjpj\ajhs(hkr5cj\ajhs(h%b5cj\ajhs(h%b>*cjaj~ 'z][ ,p@ p !$^ ,lvf v&f!6$^^*$ 2vf v&f!6$$^`a$gdkr7$ j p@ p !vf v&f!6$$1$^`a$gdkr= \ | #%'efǻৡxi[m[hs(hr6>*cjajhs(h%b6>*cjajhs(h%bcjajmh sh hs(he-5cjajhs(h7p5cjajh gcjajhs(he-aj h gajhs(h%bajhs(he-cjajhs(h%b5cjajhs(h%b5>*cjajh g5>*cjajhs(h%bcjajhs(h@w]ajhs(h%b]aj'4$ j p@ p !vf v&f!6$$1$^`a$0 h* j: zj"$p@ p !$1$^`?0p&p:pjp/ =!n"#t$% dp^ h02 0@p`p2( 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p8xv~_hmh nh sh th 8`8 normal_hmh sh th @  heading 1g ,* j: zj"$1$@&^`!5cjojqjhmh sh th uj@j  heading 2$$ `@&a$5cjn@n  heading 31$@&5cjhmh sh th u@  heading 4d ) p@ p !01$@&^`0!5cjojqjhmh sh th u~@~  heading 5e$$ ,lvf v&f!6$@&^a$ cjojqjp@p  heading 6?$ ,p@ p !$@&^cjd@d  heading 7$$@&a$ 5cj \da`d default paragraph fontviv  table normal :v 44 la (k (no list 0/0 footnote ref0o0 hypertext>*b*o level 1a ) p@ p !01$^`0!5cjojqjhmh sh th udz@"d plain textojqj^jmh sh e@2 html preformatted7 2( px 4 #\'*.25@9ojpjqj^jmh sh ry@br  document map-d m ojqj^j6u`q6 hyperlink >*b*phfv`af followedhyperlink >*b* ph0oq0 b course-title0o0 b course-label.o. b course-descz^@z 10 normal (web)dd[$\$cjajmh nhsh th.x`. q3@emphasis6]h@h f balloon textcjojqj^jajzoz f balloon text char cjojqj^jajmh sh th pk![content_types].xmln0eh-j@%ǎǢ|ș$زultb l,3;rØjb+$g]7o٭v$ !)o^rc$y@/yh*񄴽)޵߻udb`}"qۋjחx^)i`nep)liv[]1m<op6r=zgbigusebord۫qu gzo~ٺlaplxpt0+[}`jzav2fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭nlexdsjcs7f w+Ն7`g Șjj|h(kd- dxij؇(x$( :;˹! i_ts 1?e??zbΪmu/?~xy'y5g&΋/ɋ>gmged3vq%'#q$8k)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\tzag*y8ijbrc|xŻǿi u3kgnd1nibs ruk>v.el+m2#'fi ~v vl{u8zh *:(w☕ ~jte\o*thghy}knp*ݾ˦tѼ9/#a7qz$*c?qunwn%oi4 =3n)cbj uv4(tn 7_?m-ٛ{ubwznʜ"z xjzp; {/<p;,)''kqk5qpn8kgbe sd̛\17 pa>sr! 3k4'+rzq ttiivt]kc⫲k#v5+|d~o@%\w_nn[l9kqgvhn r!y+un;*&/hrt >>\ t=.tġ s; z~!p9gicڧ!# b,;x=ۻ,i2uwv9$lk=aj;{ap79|s*y;̠[mcۿhf]o{oy=1kyvv5e8vk+֜\80x4d)!!?*|fv u"xa@t_q64)kڬuv7 t '%;i9s9x,ڎ-45xd8?ǘd/y|t &lilj`& -gt/pk! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relsm 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$q ,.aic21h:qm@rn;d`o7gk(m&$r(.1r'jЊt8v"aȻhu}|$b{p8g/]qasم(#l[pk-![content_types].xmlpk-!֧6 0_rels/.relspk-!kytheme/theme/thememanager.xmlpk-!0c)theme/theme/theme1.xmlpk-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relspk]  ; ~ =  ~ ' 8@0(  b s  ? 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