ࡱ> 8:7 !bjbjޥ .,ǴǴ||$=h::o999^999px]hs.e0www(9::9w| :  math 3375 theory of cryptology winter 2016 instructor: greg lee office: rb 2005 phone: 346-7867 email: glee@lakeheadu.ca class times: mwf 1:30-2:30 in rb 2024. office hours: monday and wednesday, 12:30-1:20. text: cryptological mathematics by r.e. lewand. material to be covered: this is an introductory course on cryptology. we will cover essentially the entire textbook. as time permits, other topics may be added, but any other papers or portions of books that are needed will be downloadable for free on campus. assignments: assignments will be distributed on a regular basis (normally one per week) to be submitted for grading. these will account for 10% of your final grade. please note that late assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances, but your lowest assignment mark will be dropped in calculating your final grade. exams: there will be one in-class midterm, tentatively set for february 10, which will account for 25% of your final grade. the final exam (which covers the whole course) will be held during the final exam period, as scheduled by the university, and it will account for 50% of your final grade. note that for the midterm and final exam, no calculators, notes, books or other aids are permitted. project and presentation: you may work alone or in pairs for this. each individual or pair will select an interesting cryptological method that would not otherwise be discussed in this class, and submit a written project and give a short in-class presentation about it. details are on the attached sheets. the project and presentation combined are worth 15% of your final grade. attendance: naturally, regular attendance is encouraged. for most of our class meetings, it is optional. however, when 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are giving presentations, you are required to attend, and show up on time. failure to do so will result in a deduction of 2% from your final grade in the course for each instance. details concerning your project and presentation: a great many fascinating cryptological methods have been invented, only a handful of which will be covered in this course. you will conduct independent research and learn about an interesting method that we would not otherwise be discussing. you may work alone on this or with a partner. no later than february 5 at 1:30 p.m., you must submit information about your proposed method for my approval. this can be submitted electronically or on paper. you must include your name(s), as well as the name of your method, a brief general description (a couple of paragraphs is fine), and the main source(s) you expect to use. for electronic sources, please send me links. for paper sources, please either bring me the relevant documents or scan a few pages of them and email them to me. i strongly encourage you not to wait until the deadline to do this, in case i cannot approve your choice, and you need to find something else. this could happen, for instance, if i believe that it is too simple to make for an interesting project, or if it is too similar to a method we will be discussing in class (you should avoid everything in the textbook, as well as the one time pad and the elgamal encryption system), or to a method already submitted by someone else. on march 11 at 1:30 p.m., you must submit your written project concerning your method. you need to explain how it works, and the advantages or limitations of the method. a little bit of relevant historical context would be welcome. the project must be typed (using some version of tex is the best for mathematical documents, but it is not required). you must include a bibliography listing all references (print or electronic) that you have used. also, as part of your project, you must demonstrate how your encryption method would be used to encrypt the passage from through the looking-glass on the next page. the length of your project will, of course, depend on how long it takes to explain your method, but four single-spaced typed pages would be typical. you will be graded both on the mathematical content of your project and on the clarity of your exposition. please make sure that you do not miss either of the above deadlines. if you do, there will be a penalty of 1 of the 15 points available for each day or part thereof by which you are late. weekends count as one day. you will also make a short presentation in class about your method. this should be 10 to 15 minutes in length. as part of your presentation, please show how your method would be used to encrypt the same passage from through the looking-glass mentioned above. (it may well take too long to explain how to encrypt everything. it will be fine to demonstrate the method for a small part of the passage, and then just give the final outcome of the encryption.) you will be graded upon the knowledge you display of the method, your delivery of the presentation and your ability to answer questions that may arise. presentations will begin on march 14 and continue until all are finished. the order will be randomly determined, and you will have at least a weeks notice of your exact presentation date. please note that no extensions will be granted. your project and presentation should both be understandable by a student who has taken discrete mathematics and this course, but no other advanced mathematics courses. personally, i prefer to use the chalkboard, as there is very little chance of an equipment malfunction. however, if you want to use any sort of technology for your presentation, please make sure far in advance that you are able to do so using the equipment in the room and what you will bring with you. here is the passage that you will be encrypting. i will send it out by email with all punctuation removed. -------- here the red queen began again. `can you answer useful questions?' she said. `how is bread made?' `i know that!' alice cried eagerly. `you take some flour -- ' `where do you pick the flower?' the white queen asked. `in a garden, or in the hedges?' `well, it isn't picked at all,' alice explained: `it's ground -- ' `how many acres of ground?' said the white queen. `you mustn't leave out so many things.' `fan her head!' the red queen anxiously interrupted. `she'll be feverish after so much thinking.' so they set to work and fanned her with bunches of leaves, till she had to beg them to leave off, it blew her hair about so. --------    !"-/01<hoy`cjp     ) *    # $ ( , ܸŭh0gk h|e56 hu66h_`hahu6hp,hfh h|eh|eh^ h|e5hhbh|eh|eh|e5 hu65 h5d  !"./01     ^ _ fgd|e$a$gd|e, > ] _ f n n t x y  n n gsfhi<edbfgdi|7a۾ۺۺ۶۶۶۾۾۲hc hyhphcahtzhfhjhqh=hez hca5hkzh!8hfih"hhh^hj?h hu65hu6hd qh@fga1& !! @1$7$8$h$gdezgd|eap~&6qfnx@f! !!˾˺˶˲䮪䡪 hezhezhezhez^jhhm|uhr; hhfih$hz h~6h~hj hmlh ,hb hp6hezhphqh_xh*hyh0,1h/ =!"#$% ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hh6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@p`p2( 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p8xv~_hmh nh sh th @`@ normalcj_hajmh sh th da d default paragraph fontrir  table normal4 l4a (k (no list pk![content_types].xmln0eh-j@%ǎǢ|ș$زultb l,3;rØjb+$g]7o٭v$ !)o^rc$y@/yh*񄴽)޵߻udb`}"qۋjחx^)i`nep)liv[]1m<op6r=zgbigusebord۫qu gzo~ٺlaplxpt0+[}`jzav2fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭nlexdsjcs7f w+Ն7`g Șjj|h(kd- dxij؇(x$( :;˹! i_ts 1?e??zbΪmu/?~xy'y5g&΋/ɋ>gmged3vq%'#q$8k)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\tzag*y8ijbrc|xŻǿi u3kgnd1nibs ruk>v.el+m2#'fi ~v vl{u8zh *:(w☕ ~jte\o*thghy}knp*ݾ˦tѼ9/#a7qz$*c?qunwn%oi4 =3n)cbj uv4(tn 7_?m-ٛ{ubwznʜ"z xjzp; {/<p;,)''kqk5qpn8kgbe sd̛\17 pa>sr! 3k4'+rzq ttiivt]kc⫲k#v5+|d~o@%\w_nn[l9kqgvhn r!y+un;*&/hrt >>\ t=.tġ s; z~!p9gicڧ!# b,;x=ۻ,i2uwv9$lk=aj;{ap79|s*y;̠[mcۿhf]o{oy=1kyvv5e8vk+֜\80x4d)!!?*|fv u"xa@t_q64)kڬuv7 t '%;i9s9x,ڎ-45xd8?ǘd/y|t &lilj`& -gt/pk! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relsm 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$q ,.aic21h:qm@rn;d`o7gk(m&$r(.1r'jЊt8v"aȻhu}|$b{p8g/]qasم(#l[pk-![content_types].xmlpk-!֧6 0_rels/.relspk-!kytheme/theme/thememanager.xmlpk-!0c)theme/theme/theme1.xmlpk-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relspk] ,, a!f!8@0(  b s  ?anh o %?s^!(. 33dib b f g  &6@@ l \ ^`ojqjo( 8^8`ojqjo( ^`ojqjo(o  p^ `ojqjo(  @ ^ `ojqjo( x^x`ojqjo( h^h`ojqjo(o ^`ojqjo( ^`ojqjo(dc^b6y r; j ;(*fi1i 1',(p, ,h:/z3!8j?~?|e"h=s\_`ca0gkvkmlqd q5sm|u_x~fvjj!c a$;n1f-y,bu6fhztzezpeh=kzzf|}@@unknowng*ax times new roman5symbol3. *cx arial3*ax times?= *cx courier new;wingdingsa$bcambria math"1hi3agi3agaq -q -!242hp ?|e2!xx  math 3030ctrcroberta buffington oh+'0t     (4<dl math 3030ctrcnormalroberta buffington2microsoft office word@f#@lcf@=qh@=qhq՜.+,0 hp  阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 -   math 3030 title  !"#$%&()*+,-.01234569root entry fg]h;1tablegworddocument.,summaryinformation('documentsummaryinformation8/compobjr  f microsoft word 97-2003 document msworddocword.document.89q