ࡱ> 685 ybjbjxx 4ylllll$<$:#######$&(j#l#ll#www ll#w#ww!h3#-(lkr_"# $0<$o":)=::) 3#:)l3#tw##w<$:) 2: course outline mathematics 2275, linear algebra ii winter term 2017 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , thunder bay ontario instructor: dr. andrew p. dean office: uc 2003, e-mail: hyperlink "mailto:apdean@lakeheadu.ca"apdean@lakeheadu.ca phone: 343-8820 meeting times: tth 1-2:30 office hours: tbd (probably friday pm) text: linear algebra and its application- david lay, steven lay and judi mcdonald course prerequisites: math 2255 linear algebra i course outline: an extension of mathematics 2255. review of essential properties of matrix algebra and vector spaces. eigenvalues and eigenvectors. orthogonality and least squares. symmetric matrices and quadratic forms. applications. in chapters from lay: chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7 and if time permits sections from chapters 8, 9 and 10 evaluation: assignments 20% (5-6) notes due date assigned. late 10% per day. not accepted once solutions are handed out pen (not green, red, mauve etc.) or dark pencil stapled neat and proofs must be well organized tests 30% (2 x 15%, in class) dates: test 1 feb. 7th test 2 march 9 final: 50% (in exam period, 3 hours) important dates: first class tuesday, jan. 10th last class thursday apr. 6th break week feb. 20-24 withdrawal date march 10 exams april 10-23 (note: 14-17 is easter weekend) please turn cell phones off. thanks note: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is committed to achieving fullaccessibility for persons with disabilities. part of this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilitiesand/ormedical conditions to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. if you are astudentwith a disability and think you may need accommodations, you are strongly encouraged tocontactstudentaccessibilityservices (sas) and register as early as possible. for more information, please contact student accessibility services  hyperlink "http://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca/" \t "_blank" http://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca (sc0003, 343-8047 or hyperlink "mailto: sas@lakeheadu.ca"  sas@lakeheadu.ca)  "34do{    8 = > 0 1    ! 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