ࡱ> 796 bjbj[[ .99nnnnn$((******$5hnnnnnc nn((l< .y0nnn 4:  math 2232 intro to abstract algebra fall 2017 instructor: greg lee office: rb 2005 phone: 346-7867 email: glee@lakeheadu.ca class times: mwf 12:30-1:30 in rb 2026 office hours: monday 1:30-2:20, tuesday 3:30-4:20 text: we will be using the manuscript version of my upcoming springer textbook, abstract algebra: an introductory course. it has been distributed by email. material to be covered: this course is an introduction to abstract algebra. the fundamentals of groups and rings will be discussed. we will cover chapters 1-4, 8 and 9 in the textbook. additional topics may be added if there is extra time. grading scheme: assignments will be distributed on a regular basis (normally one every 1.5 weeks) to be submitted for grading. these will account for 20% of your final grade. please note that late assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances, but your lowest assignment mark will be dropped in calculating your final grade. there will be one in-class midterm, tentatively set for october 25, which will account for 25% of your final grade. the final exam (which covers the entire course) will be held during the final exam period, as scheduled by the university, and it will account for 55% of your final grade. note: 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 is committed to achieving fullaccessibility for persons with disabilities. part of this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with disabilitiesand/ormedical conditions to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. if you are astudentwith a disability and think you may need accommodations, you are strongly encouraged tocontactstudentaccessibilityservices (sas) and register as early as possible. for more information, please contact student accessibility services  hyperlink "http://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca/" \t "_blank" http://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca (sc0003, 343-8047 or hyperlink "mailto: sas@lakeheadu.ca"  sas@lakeheadu.ca)   %&'+0234?kr\cfms6 ^   # $ ; s ɽԸرɝ᝙hyhjchh|eojqj h6 hjc56 h3*5hdh%h-hw] h|eh|eh^ h|e5hhhfh|e hjc5h|eh|e5 h5<  &'1234 t u v gd|e$a$gd|es t u v   h i " # 1 b 9:s hb*fhphq $h0jb*fhphq *hh0jb*fhphq &hhb*fhphq 0h0jb*ojqj^jfhphq h5hoh-hhw] h5h^hh|e&:ab#%-./rstqvq5jhhb*ufhphq /jhhb*ufhphq $h0jb*fhphq $h0jb*fhphq hb*fhphq &hhb*fhphq *hh0jb*fhphq *hh0jb*fhphq tl[wp hhh!hh0jfhq /jhb*ufhphq &hk3mhb*fhphq )jhb*ufhphq &hhb*fhphq hb*fhphq /jhhb*ufhphq *hh0jb*fhphuq  gd|egd,1h/ =!"#$% dyk yk thttp://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca/dyk yk 6mailto:%20sas@lakeheadu.ca^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hh6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@p`p2( 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p8xv~_hmh nh sh th @`@ normalcj_hajmh sh th da d default paragraph fontrir  table normal4 l4a (k (no list bob apple-converted-spaceo il4u`4 0 hyperlink >*phpk![content_types].xmln0eh-j@%ǎǢ|ș$زultb l,3;rØjb+$g]7o٭v$ !)o^rc$y@/yh*񄴽)޵߻udb`}"qۋjחx^)i`nep)liv[]1m<op6r=zgbigusebord۫qu gzo~ٺlaplxpt0+[}`jzav2fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭nlexdsjcs7f w+Ն7`g Șjj|h(kd- dxij؇(x$( :;˹! i_ts 1?e??zbΪmu/?~xy'y5g&΋/ɋ>gmged3vq%'#q$8k)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\tzag*y8ijbrc|xŻǿi u3kgnd1nibs ruk>v.el+m2#'fi ~v vl{u8zh *:(w☕ ~jte\o*thghy}knp*ݾ˦tѼ9/#a7qz$*c?qunwn%oi4 =3n)cbj uv4(tn 7_?m-ٛ{ubwznʜ"z xjzp; {/<p;,)''kqk5qpn8kgbe sd̛\17 pa>sr! 3k4'+rzq ttiivt]kc⫲k#v5+|d~o@%\w_nn[l9kqgvhn r!y+un;*&/hrt >>\ t=.tġ s; z~!p9gicڧ!# b,;x=ۻ,i2uwv9$lk=aj;{ap79|s*y;̠[mcۿhf]o{oy=1kyvv5e8vk+֜\80x4d)!!?*|fv u"xa@t_q64)kڬuv7 t '%;i9s9x,ڎ-45xd8?ǘd/y|t &lilj`& -gt/pk! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relsm 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$q ,.aic21h:qm@rn;d`o7gk(m&$r(.1r'jЊt8v"aȻhu}|$b{p8g/]qasم(#l[pk-![content_types].xmlpk-!֧6 0_rels/.relspk-!kytheme/theme/thememanager.xmlpk-!0c)theme/theme/theme1.xmlpk-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relspk] s :t   .sxx8@0(  b s  ?va333d  ^`ojqjo( 8^8`ojqjo( ^`ojqjo(o  p^ `ojqjo(  @ ^ `ojqjo( x^x`ojqjo( h^h`ojqjo(o ^`ojqjo( ^`ojqjo(^=3- 1i %,(jcd|e ww]#e q5s^zufoy3*m3v@@unknowng*ax times new roman5symbol3. *cx arialez times new (w1)times new roman?= *cx courier new;wingdingsa$bcambria math"ahgxggxgfxg//!243qhp ?|e2!xx , math 3030ctrcroberta buffington oh+'0t     (4<dl math 3030ctrcnormalroberta buffington2microsoft office word@f#@ls @6: @6: /՜.+,d՜.+,d hp  阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜   math 3030 title@ 8@ _pid_hlinksa `mailto:%20sas@lakeheadu.caw*http://studentaccessibility.lakeheadu.ca/  !"#$%'()*+,-/0123458root entry f8< :data 1tableworddocument.summaryinformation(&documentsummaryinformation8.compobjr  f microsoft word 97-2003 document msworddocword.document.89q