ࡱ> 9;8 pbjbj## .$aap """"$f"bxxxxsss$fasssssaxxvs"xxsxy#9su"l0psssssssaassssssssssssssss : math 1071-fa vectors and matrices instructor dr. sergey ulanov e-mail:  hyperlink "mailto:sulanov@lakeheadu.ca" sulanov@lakeheadu.ca lectures: mwf, 12:30 pm 01:30 pm room rb-2044 labs: f, 02:30 pm 04:30 pm room: rb-2042 email communication: any time. dont forget to include the course number, your name, and keywords in the subject line. for example, subject: math 1071, john smith, system of linear equations (otherwise your message will not be opened). textbook: elementary linear algebra, first canadian edition by stewart venit, wayne bishop, jason brown. course content: chapters 1-5, 7, 8 attending lectures and labs is compulsory, because i am going not only to discuss some theoretical statement, but also teach how to solve problems. assignments: there will be the four assignments. all assignments, hand written or printed, should have a cover page with information including: course number, assignment number, students name and students id number. sloppy writing may face a mark penalty up to 20%. the deadline for each assignment will be announced additionally. there will be an assignment box for the assignments on the second floor of rb. late assignments may be accepted with acceptable proof and these assignments must be submitted to me (the instructor) in the class. (do not put into the mailbox). each miss assignment will be counted 0. quizzes: there will be four quizzes during the course. the quizzes will be held during the class time. if you think your score is not fair, put you complaint in writing on the front page of your quiz or your assignment and return it to me right after the class. do not make any changes in your papers. the final exam will cover all of the course material. the final exam is close-book. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are allowed to bring up to 3 pages (letter size, both sides) of personal study notes and a nonprogrammable calculator. the final exam will be written in the scheduled three hours. performance evaluation: your final grades are calculated from the four assignments (10%), quizzes (30%), and final exam (60%). tentative schedule: lecture chapters 2 - 3: sections 2.2 2.3, 3.1 - 3.3 sept. 7 sept. 21 chapter 4: sections 4.1 4.3 sept. 23 sept. 30 chapter 1: sections 1.1 1.3 oct. 3 oct. 12 chapter 5: sections 5.1 5.3 oct. 14 nov. 7 chapter 5: section 5.4 nov. 9 nov. 16 chapter 7: section 7.1 7.3 nov. 18 nov. 21 chapter 8: section 8.1 nov. 23 nov. 25 review of the course nov. 28 dec. 5 assignments deadline for assignments assignment 1: sept. 28 system of linear equations, matrices assignment 2: oct. 7 determinants assignment 3: oct. 21 geometry of r2 and r3 assignment 4: nov. 18 independence and basis in rn   #$.ijstu  ! % = > } a r \ ^ e g h y ӹ寴崯娤囔夨 h4%5 h^h^ h^5h%sfh u hth u hn5 h%sf5h(oh u0j5jh(oh u5ujh u5uhth u5 h u5h u5cjajhyh u5cjaj8#$a b f g k e f gd4%gdgd u$a$gd u   , - . k z f d e f m o } '+,clmžŰŰŰŰ~ h^h4%h^h4%5h4%h4%5h^h^5hlzh5 hhhh4% h4%5 h^5 h:;h uh:; h:;h:;h:;h u5hqu h u5hph5k hth uhth u5 h u5h u.m+?@aij;<%&vwgd gd gd ugd4%m%&*+?@ahjk+8¹¨£wowooh;;vcjajhh;;vcjajh;;v5cjajh;;vh 5cjajh;;vh;;v5cjaj h;;v5 h 5hh 5cjajh 5cjaj h 5h h 5cj aj h;5 h5 hh5 h^5 h4%5 h u5hqu h 5 hmeh +j*+*mnopgd;;vgd 45mop͹h h 5 h 5h;;vh cjajh;;vh;;vcjh*ajh;;vh;;vcjajh 5cjajh;;v5cjajh;;vh 5cjajhvh;;vcjh*ajh;;vcjajh;;vcjh*aj ,1h/ =!"#$% dyk sulanov@lakeheadu.cayk 8mailto:sulanov@lakeheadu.ca^ 6866666662 0@p`p2( 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p 0@p`p(8hx`~_hmh nh sh th @`@  unormalcj_hajmh sh th da d default paragraph fontrir  table normal4 l4a (k (no list 6u`6  u hyperlink >*b*phpk![content_types].xmln0eh-j@%ǎǢ|ș$زultb l,3;rØjb+$g]7o٭v$ !)o^rc$y@/yh*񄴽)޵߻udb`}"qۋjחx^)i`nep)liv[]1m<op6r=zgbigusebord۫qu gzo~ٺlaplxpt0+[}`jzav2fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭nlexdsjcs7f w+Ն7`g Șjj|h(kd- dxij؇(x$( :;˹! i_ts 1?e??zbΪmu/?~xy'y5g&΋/ɋ>gmged3vq%'#q$8k)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\tzag*y8ijbrc|xŻǿi u3kgnd1nibs ruk>v.el+m2#'fi ~v vl{u8zh *:(w☕ ~jte\o*thghy}knp*ݾ˦tѼ9/#a7qz$*c?qunwn%oi4 =3n)cbj uv4(tn 7_?m-ٛ{ubwznʜ"z xjzp; {/<p;,)''kqk5qpn8kgbe sd̛\17 pa>sr! 3k4'+rzq ttiivt]kc⫲k#v5+|d~o@%\w_nn[l9kqgvhn r!y+un;*&/hrt >>\ t=.tġ s; z~!p9gicڧ!# b,;x=ۻ,i2uwv9$lk=aj;{ap79|s*y;̠[mcۿhf]o{oy=1kyvv5e8vk+֜\80x4d)!!?*|fv u"xa@t_q64)kڬuv7 t '%;i9s9x,ڎ-45xd8?ǘd/y|t &lilj`& -gt/pk! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relsm 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$q ,.aic21h:qm@rn;d`o7gk(m&$r(.1r'jЊt8v"aȻhu}|$b{p8g/]qasم(#l[pk-![content_types].xmlpk-!֧6 0_rels/.relspk-!kytheme/theme/thememanager.xmlpk-!0c)theme/theme/theme1.xmlpk-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/thememanager.xml.relspk] p $ mp p itp x8@0(  b s  ?:@ %r lrr 33p  h?# 4%d6d5kp;;v%sf^; u  :;n p r @p @unknowng*ax times new roman5symbol3. *cx ariala$bcambria math"qhl [gl [gt t !24j j  3qhp)? u2!xx ,!math 1071-fa vectors and matricessergeyroberta buffingtonoh+'0xx    ,8@hp$math 1071-fa vectors and matricessergeynormalroberta buffington2microsoft office word@f#@8s@8st ՜.+,d՜.+,t hp  homej  #math 1071-fa vectors and matrices title 8@ _pid_hlinksapz}mailto:sulanov@lakeheadu.ca  !"#$%&')*+,-./1234567:root entry fz#9s<data 1tableworddocument.$summaryinformation((documentsummaryinformation80compobjr  f microsoft word 97-2003 document msworddocword.document.89q