distinguished researcher panel: valorizing process and progress in interdisciplinary research: reflections from the equity in birthing care program

event date:
wednesday, february 27, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm est
event location:
atac 5036
about the event
title: “valorizing process and progress in interdisciplinary research: reflections from the equity in birthing care program”
this panel discussion will explore the strengths and challenges of interdisciplinary health research and how using an interdisciplinary framework has shaped our individual thinking as researchers, and the evolution of our equity in birthing care research program over time.
facilitator: dr. pamela wakewich, professor emerita, sociology and women’s studies
panel members:
dr. manal alzghoul, assistant professor, nursing;
ms. barbara benwell, m.a. social justice with specialization in women’s studies graduate student;
dr. jennifer chisholm, assistant professor, women’s studies;
dr. helle moeller, associate professor, health sciences; associate director, centre for rural
and northern health research; and
dr. pauline sameshima, canada research chair in arts integrated studies; professor, graduate
studies and research in education