strengthening partnerships with northern aboriginal institutes

event date:
tuesday, march 6, 2018 - 11:30am to 2:00pm est
event location:
faculty lounge
strengthening partnerships with northern aboriginal institutes
explore the rich history of the aboriginal/indigenous institutes in ontario through a round table discussion regarding the vision of post-secondary education in ontario and how 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
can strengthen partnerships and research opportunities with the institutes.
about the event
our round table discussion is being planned for tuesday, march 6th from 11:30a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the faculty lounge.
the names and titles of the presenters are as follows:
rosie mosquito
executive director
oshki-pimache-o-win the wenjack institute (oshki-wenjack) and
chair of the aboriginal institutes consortium
rosie s. mosquito joined the oshki-pimache-o-win: the wenjack education institute (oshki-wenjack) in 2004. oshki-wenjack offers culturally enriched post secondary education and training programs to indigenous learners living in the remote and rural settings in nishnawbe aski nation and northern ontario through innovative program delivery models. oshki-wenjack enjoys success in growing an educated indigenous work force in increasing numbers each year.
rosie has been the chair of the aboriginal institutes consortium since november 2008 which is comprised of nine first nation owned and controlled postsecondary education and training institute working together on common issues. in december 2017, the consortium enjoyed success in the passage of an indigenous institutes act that creates an indigenous pillar in the ontario post secondary education system that will enable them to grant certificates, diploma and degrees to their graduates.
rosie is from bearskin lake first nation. she has been involved in community development since 1983 at the community, tribal council and regional levels.
brent tookenay
chief executive officer
seven generations education institute
brent is the chief executive officer for seven generations education institute and a member of couchiching first nation. previously he was the indigenous education leader for the rainy river district school board. brent has worked for seven generations education institute for over 25 years. brent lives in fort frances with his wife tina and son ian. brent has been involved in indigenous education his entire career.
murray waboose
education director
anishinabek educational institute
murray waboose is the education director for the anishinabek education institute (aei). murray has over 25 years of experience working in first nations education at the community, tribal council, regional and national levels. he has been involved in many provincial and federal level policy and legislative initiatives over the years. murray is able to draw on many of his past experiences in institutional development, operations and human resources management, to ensure that aei is offering and running effective and relevant post secondary programs for the anishinabek nation communities and citizens. aei will be reaching it 25 year milestone and the future vision and opportunities look very positive for the post secondary institute in the years to come.
murray waboose is the education director for the anishinabek education institute (aei). murray has over 25 years of experience working in first nations education at the community, tribal council, regional and national levels. he has been involved in many provincial and federal level policy and legislative initiatives over the years. murray is able to draw on many of his past experiences in institutional development, operations and human resources management, to ensure that aei is offering and running effective and relevant post secondary programs for the anishinabek nation communities and citizens. aei will be reaching it 25 year milestone and the future vision and opportunities look very positive for the post secondary institute in the years to come.
the roundtable discussion will be moderated by: denisebaxter, vice-provost (aboriginal initiatives) 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 .
everyone is welcome to attend. please feel free to share with 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , community members fellow colleagues or other interested parties.
we look forward to having you join us on tuesday, march 6th!
please click here to rsvp by thursday, march 1st.
for full event poster, please click here.