social innovation forum - keynote talk and community luncheon - "who’s in charge here? community-based research and social innovation" - dr. katherine graham

event date:
monday, march 5, 2018 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm est
event location:
faculty lounge
keynote talk and community luncheon
title: social innovation through community-based research
date: march 5, 2018, 12:00 pm-2:00 pm
location: faculty lounge
presenter: dr. katherine graham, carleton centre for community innovation
description of talk
professor graham’s point of departure for her keynote will be basic: what is social innovation? taking the simple but broad perspective that social innovation is “new ideas that work to address social need” (sig), she will explore the roles of communities and universities in the process of community-based research for social innovation. her talk will also set out some principles for universities as they engage with communities. community-based research is challenging, both for communities and universities. professor graham will explore some of the practical issues associated with this work, drawing on examples that include some of her own experiences working in northwestern ontario. she will also provide examples of some of the positive outcomes of community-based research for social innovation, something that is increasingly at the forefront of canadian universities’ mission.
- attendees are encouraged to stay after the keynote talk by dr. katherine graham to attend the community-university research conversation.
speaker’s biography - katherine a. h. graham - carleton university
katherine graham is professor emerita at carleton university. she continues as an active scholar in carleton’s internationally recognized school of public policy and administration and is a senior fellow of the carleton centre for community innovation (3ci).
professor graham’s research interests concern indigenous and northern development policy, urban and local governance and institutional reform in government. her current research focus is the indigenous youth futures partnership, a seven-year social sciences and humanities council of canada (sshrc)-funded research project aimed at increasing opportunities and resiliency among first nations youth in northwestern ontario. she also works internationally, with extensive experience in africa, central and eastern europe and asia.
she was founding chair of community-based research canada (cbrc), a national network that champions community-based research and campus-community engagement in canada. cbrc honoured her with its inaugural cbrc leadership award in 2017. she is also a member of the steering committee for community first: impacts of community engagement (cf:ice) a seven-year multi-million dollar project supported by sshrc. she was the inaugural chair and remains a member of sshrc’s indigenousl advisory circle.
she has extensive experience as an academic administrator at carleton and has served as director of the school of public policy and administration, associate dean and, from 2003-2009, as dean of the faculty of public affairs. throughout professor graham’s tenure as dean, the faculty of public affairs achieved prominence in canada and abroad for its excellence in scholarship and community engagement. upon completion of her term as dean, the katherine a. h. graham annual lecture on aboriginal policy was established by the faculty of public affairs to honour her deep commitment to aboriginal policy issues and the sustainability of aboriginal communities. she concluded her academic leadership role at carleton by serving as senior advisor to the president and provost leading, among other initiatives, development of carleton’s 2013-2017 strategic integrated plan, development of the carleton leader program for faculty and professional services staff. she continues to play a senior role in the university’s indigenous and community engagement initiatives.
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about the social innovation forum
the social innovation forum at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
will open 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
's 2018 research and innovation week, “connections.” the forum is designed to showcase innovative approaches to community-university partnerships and the impact such connections can have on social justice and innovation. the day's events will create a dialogue that will address how 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
's research capacity can be utilized to inform and address challenges confronting community organizations and our city. this public event is expected to draw local organizations and researchers, as well as leading research experts who are passionate about the power of community-university partnerships as a vehicle for societal change.