internal resources for incorporating edi in your research
internal training opportunities & toolkits:
- certificate in inclusive research leadership (through mycourselink)
- lakehead internal edi in research toolkit (pdf document - october 2022 version)
edi-related documents & policies:
- lakehead edi action plan & strategic research plan
- lakehead crc edi action plan
- policies and procedures of the office of human rights and equity at 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 diversity awareness policy
offices that can help me:
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 office of research services
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 office of human rights
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous research resources
- 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 student accessibility services
other lakehead links for hqp training:
graduate studies forms related to edi:
external resources for incorporating edi in your research
tri-agency, ontario human rights commission and government of canada training links:
- tri-agency unconscious bias training
- human rights 101: ontario human rights commission training
- short video: balanced, broad, & responsible: a practical guide for research evaluators (from nserc)
- gender-based analysis +
- sex and gender in health research: cihr modules
- webinar: accounting for sex and gender in research with cells or animals (stacey ritz, institute of gender and health canada)
- ontario human rights commission elearning modules
tri-agency resources:
- do's and don'ts: assessing productivity in reviews according to dora
- tri-agencies edi action plan
- tri-agencies stance on edi in the research system
- tri-agencies dimensions charter (lakehead endorsed the dimensions charter in may 2019)
- overview of tri-agency edi-related grants & programs
- government of canada - setting new directions to support indigenous research and research training in canada 2019-2022
- tri-agency statement on edi
- tri-agency dora declaration
canadian institute of health research (cihr) resources:
- cihr sex and gender in health research
- impacts of integrating sex and gender in research
- edi in action at cihr
- sex and gender in health research
- how to integrate sex and gender into research
- key considerations for the appropriate integration of sex and gender in research
- webinar: accounting for sex and gender in research with cells or animals (stacey ritz, institute of gender and health canada)
- sex, gender and knowledge translation
- *new cihr's research excellence framework
- *new implementing cihr's research excellence framework
- *new* applying cihr's research excellence framework - best practices for clinical trials
natural sciences & engineering research council (nserc) resources:
- nserc accessibility plan
- guide for integrating edi considerations in research
- guidelines on the assessment of contributions to research, training and mentoring
- short video: balanced, broad, & responsible: a practical guide for research evaluators
alliance grants:
discovery grants:
social sciences & humanities research council (sshrc) resources:
- edi in the research enterprise
- edi in research practice and research design
- guidelines for the merit review of indigenous research
- indigenous research statement of principles
- guidelines for effective research training
- guide for addressing edi in partnership grants
- tools indigenous research and research training
canada research chair program (crc) resources:
best practices:
new frontiers in research fund (nfrf) resources:
- 2024 updated best practices for edi in research
- best practices for edi in research (prior to update)
- exploration grant edi merit indicators
other training links and resources:
- first nations principles of ownership, control, access, and possession training course (fee associated)
- care principles for indigenous data governance
- gender pronouns and cultures of respect - presentation by tommy mayberry of st. jerome's university
- implicit association test from harvard university
- canadian centre for diversity and inclusion educational and inclusion guides
- anti-racism resources from the ontario federation of labour
- how to write smart goals
- a guide for establishing smart goals
- using smart goals in the scientific process
- canadian human rights commission
- ontario human rights commission - special programs
- addendum to the 2006 canadian human rights settlement agreement (2019)
further resources:
articles, guides & reports
- canadian national institute for the blind (cnib) print accessibility guidelines
- dei tips for inclusive meetings (diversio - k. stone, 2024)
- global research council report: dimensions of responsible research assessment (responsible research assessment working group, 2024)
- pronoun and language guidelines for trans-affirming workplaces in the mental health and addictions sector (o'gorman and wolframe, 2024)
- dei tips for fostering psychological safety in the workplace (diversio, 2023)
- government of canada publication: a framework to achieve and sustain employment equity (a. blackett, 2023)
- reimagining journal clubs for inclusive scientific training (tan and venkatesh, 2023)
- how to incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion in your grant applications (l. henville, 2023) (published in university affairs)
- dora-compliant measures of research quality and impact to assess the performance of researchers in biomedical institutions: review of published research, international best practice and delphi survey (a. gagliardi et al. 2023)
- anti-black racism in healthcare: could critical race theory prove helpful in the canadian context? (k. williams and n. kaniki, 2023)
- measuring the societal impact: how to go beyond publication metrics (c. woolston, 2023) (published in nature)
- breaking edi barriers in science (reudiger, 2023) (published in university affairs)
- neurodiversity in the lab (fink, 2022)
- professional practice guidelines - edi (engineers and geoscientists of british columbia, 2021)
- quantitative intersectional study design and primary data collection (cihr) (2021)
- how to support edi work at departmental and institutional levels (y. osho, 2022) (published in times higher education)
- neurodiversity: how to make your lab more inclusive (stivison, 2020)
- dear white people: here are 10 actions you can take to promote racial justice in the workplace (dana brownlee, 2020) (published in forbes)
- 2017 report on women in science and engineering in canada
- how to study the impact of sex and gender in medical research: a review of resources (mcgregor et al., 2016)
- sex and gender equity in research: rationale for the sager guidelines and recommended use (heidari et al., 2016)
- national research council book on enhancing the effectiveness of team science (2015)
- strategies and methods to study sex differences in cardiovascular structure and function: a guide for basic scientists (miller et al., 2011)
- better science with sex and gender: facilitating the use of a sex and gender-based analysis in health research (johnson, greaves and repta, 2009)
- colour coded health care: the impacts of race and racism on canadian’s health (wellesley institute report)
- better science with sex and gender: sgba+ in health research
- mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color (k. crenshaw, 1991)
- stanford university gendered innovation project
- cochrane methods equity group resources
- social determinants and inequities in health for black canadians: a snapshot
- truth and reconciliation commission of canada: calls to action
- care principles for indigenous data governance