call for applications for 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous research chair - deadline april 30, 2021

阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 , a signatory to the universities canada principles on equity, diversity and inclusion and to the charter of the dimensions program, is committed to actions that promote a more inclusive environment in teaching and research. a specific action that supports goal #3 of the university edi plan (“accessing excellence together”, equity, diversity and inclusion action plan. 2019-2023) is to establish a research chair in indigenous studies.

the university invites applications or nominations of tenured or tenure-track indigenous faculty members for the 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous research chair. applicants must demonstrate how their research involves an indigenous approach to knowledge or research that is specifically relevant to the indigenous people of canada.

an expectation of the chair would be to work collaboratively with the office of indigenous initiatives, lakehead international, and other faculty and staff to advance the activities and strategies associated with goal 3.1 of 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s edi plan, including the vision of a university-based centre for research and scholarship with an indigenous and international focus.

the chair position is for a five-year term and may be renewed once. this position includes an annual research grant of $22,500 and reduced teaching if approved by the respective dean. current or past research chair holders such as crcs, lu/tbrhri research chairs, lurcs, ontario research chairs, sharcnet chairs, etc. are not eligible to receive this award.

a completed application will consist of:

  • 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 indigenous research chair application form (available in the romeo research portal).

  • release time stipend request form (if requesting release time from teaching).

  • canadian common cv (do not use generic ccv, use appropriate tri‐council ccv).

  • three external letters of reference addressing the selection criteria.  one of the three letters must be from an individual who is at arm’s length from the applicant and does not have a conflict of interest, and

  • supporting letter from the faculty dean.

    • the 3 letters of reference and the dean's letter of support should be addressed to dr. andrew p. dean, vice-president, research and innovation, 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 and be emailed directly to


selection process and criteria: the vice‐president (research and innovation) shall appoint a selection committee to review all submissions and make its recommendations to the president. the selection committee will utilize the following evaluation criteria. candidates shall:

  • be outstanding and innovative researchers whose accomplishments have made a major impact in their field and indigenous scholarship

  • be recognized nationally and internationally as leaders or potential leaders in their fields;

  • have a track‐record of attracting external research funding;

  • have an excellent record of mentoring undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , supervising graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and postdoctoral fellows (considering circumstances in the department or practices in the relevant field or discipline and career level of the applicant) and as chair have the potential to attract excellent trainees and future researchers;

  • have a record of participating in collaborative interdisciplinary research and contributing to research capacity building;

  • have proposed an original, innovative research program of high quality that fits the priority research areas outlined in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s research plan; and

  • have demonstrated work towards furthering specific activities and strategies identified in 阿根廷vs墨西哥竞猜 ’s edi plan.

applications must be submitted via the romeo research portal no later than 4:30 pm april 30, 2021.

for additional information regarding the application process, please contact dr. andrew p. dean, vice-president, research and innovation at