nserc-german research foundation (dfg) call for proposals on sustainable processes and chemistry
the natural sciences and engineering research council of canada (nserc) is pleased to announce that the joint call for canada-germany research proposals on sustainable processes and chemistry is now open.
last year, nserc and the german research foundation (deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft or dfg) renewed their decade long partnership, agreeing to expand the scope of their collaboration to support joint research projects, underpinned by a streamlined application and review process. this joint call is the first between nserc and dfg to accept a single collaborative research proposal from research teams in canada and germany that will undergo a scientific review process led by dfg.
the proposed canada-germany collaborative research projects must focus on basic and fundamental research and are expected to generate new knowledge and address one or more research challenges related to environmental sustainability. canadian academic researchers may receive up to $100,000 per year for up to three years from nserc to support their participation in the collaborative research project while german researchers may receive funding from dfg. this call for proposals includes a two-stage application process whereby canadian researchers must first submit a modified alliance international collaboration grant application to nserc by december 7, 2022. for more information, please read the funding opportunity on nserc’s website.
please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at intl.research@lakeheadu.ca for more information.