great lakes guardian community fund

how to apply: 

ontario is calling on community groups to help protect, restore and enhance the great lakes by applying for a great lakes guardian community fund grant.

now in its fourth year, the fund provides a grant of up to $25,000 to not-for-profit organizations, schools, first nations and métis communities and other local groups for projects that have a direct environmental benefit to the great lakes. past projects and activities supported by the fund have included:

  • planting trees
  • creating rain gardens
  • restoring wetland habitat
  • controlling invasive species
  • cleaning up beaches or shorelines
  • naturalizing stream banks and shorelines.

applications will be accepted until october 23, 2015.

external deadline: 
friday, october 23, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

ministry of the environment and climate change ontario

globalink research award

how to apply: 

the mitacs globalink research award provides funding to support senior undergraduate and graduate student research projects abroad.

  • up to $5,000 in research award to the canadian supervisor for student travel expenses
  • open to all disciplines
  • for joint projects with academic collaborators over 12-24 weeks abroad
  • partner countries: brazil, mainland china, india, mexico, and vietnam
  • applications accepted any time.

mitacs recommends applicants submit applications by september 28, 2015, for projects starting in winter 2016. if you would like to travel in fall 2015, please submit your application tointsubmission(at)mitacs.caas soon as possible.

external deadline: 
monday, september 28, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for research proposal: the hr needs of aboriginal people in northern ontario

how to apply: 

human resources research institute (hrri)

call for research proposal

hrri is an organization with a mandate to advance the hr body of knowledge and thought leadership by supporting new, evidence-based research in the field of human resources (hr) that has practical application to the hr profession.

hrri is affiliated with the human resources professional association (hrpa), the largest hr association in canada and the third largest in the world.

as part of its mandate, hrri funds research pertaining to a topic that is pressing and of interest to hrpa members, and to business leaders and their companies. the last research topic selected was, “how can high potential employees be identified in a reliable manner?”

this year, the research topic is:

”the hr needs of aboriginal people in northern ontario – barriers and   solutions”

canadians are becoming more aware of the social, cultural and economic challenges facing aboriginal people. in northern ontario, many aboriginal people are seeking employment in the new mineral resources, environmental and service industry sectors, yet they face serious barriers in obtaining these jobs. these barriers in turn present challenges for companies and organizations seeking to recruit and retain employees in geographic regions which are remote and have a limited labour pool to draw on.

hrri is calling for proposals for empirical research to answer this research question.

“what are these barriers and what actions

  can be taken to overcome them?”



proposals are invited from ontario-based researchers, including those who are members of hrpa. proposals from research teams headed by an ontario-based principal investigator are also invited (other team members may be based outside of ontario).


proposal format

the applications will be reviewed by the research and awards committee of the hrri.

applicants are required to include the following information in their submissions:

1)  a brief summary of the issue to be investigated

2)  a brief literature review

3)  an outline of methodology

4)  a description of the applicant’s experiences with aboriginal issues

5)  proposed outcomes of the research indicating how the challenges  facing aboriginal people in northern ontario will be addressed  through the research and identifying options as to how the barriers  will be alleviated

6)  a preliminary budget

7)  a proposed timeline for the project (to be completed within 12 months of the funding being awarded to the successful applicant)

this summary proposal should be between 5 and 7 pages.  it must be submitted by monday, august 31st, 2015.

researchers must submit their proposals to:

john o’leary

director of development

human resources research institute

150 bloor street west, suite 200

toronto, on  m5s 2x9



the hrri research and awards committee will review the applications and select up to three applicants to submit a full proposal for the project. specific guidelines will be provided at that time. all applicants will be notified of the committee decision by september 15, 2015.



questions about this call for proposals should be directed to the chair of the hrri research and awards committee, dr. parbudyal singh ( or to john o’leary, director of development of hrri



external deadline: 
monday, august 31, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

human resources research institute


operating grant : population health intervention research (fall 2015 competition)

how to apply: 

program and policy interventions are unfolding and evolving constantly across the country both within and outside the health sector (such as education, transportation, social services, and the arts) and are often planned and funded by community, not-for-profit, private, and/or public organizations. these “natural experiments” often lack the embedded mechanisms for assessing processes and outcomes, sharing lessons learned, and applying this knowledge to new program and policy decisions. as a result, they represent a rich but untapped collection of potential interventions that could benefit from researcher expertise and study.

the purpose of this funding opportunity (fo) is to support research on timely interventions (e.g. programs, policies, social enterprises and resource distribution approaches) that have been initiated by others (e.g., policy makers, practitioners, communities) and have the potential to impact health and health equity at the population level. population health intervention research involves the use of scientific methods to produce knowledge that attempts to capture the value, cost and differential effects of these interventions, the processes by which they bring about change and the contexts within which they work best.  researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers are encouraged to work together to build the evidence base to support policy and program development and decision-making in health and other sectors.

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to:

  • generate evidence about interventions in health and other sectors that have the potential to promote health and health equity at a population level;
  • catalyze new and existing collaborations with community, not-for-profit, private and/or public sectors within and outside of health;
  • facilitate consideration and application of new evidence about population health interventions in decision-making.
external deadline: 
thursday, october 15, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

environmental scan of administrative elements and support programs for canadian armed forces veterans during military to civilian transition

how to apply: 

cimvhr is seeking a researcher from one of their 37 partner universities to perform an environmental scan to document the administrative elements and support programs intended to optimize the mental health and well-being of canadian armed forces (caf) veterans during the peri-release period of military to civilian transition (mct). the objective of this work is to optimize the mental health and well-being of caf veterans during the peri-release period.  the work will be performed for veterans affairs canada. 

these notices have also been posted on the cimvhr website at the following link: 


request for proposals

statement of work

external deadline: 
monday, august 17, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

fy15 orthotics and prosthetics outcomes research program (oporp)

how to apply: 

funding program associated with this call:

orthotics outcomes research award (oora)

the oora is intended to support research that evaluates the comparative effectiveness of orthotic clinical interventions and/or their associated rehabilitation interventions, using patient-centric outcomes for service members and veterans who have undergone limb impairment or limb amputation. the objective is to improve the understanding of orthotic devices, treatments, rehabilitation strategies, and secondary health effects. the ultimate goal is to advance the adoption and implementation of these evidence-based interventions. proposed projects should be designed to provide patient-centric outcomes data regarding orthotic devices, and/or related clinical interventions, and must include the anticipated effect on patient care metrics. principal investigators (pis) are strongly encouraged to collaborate, integrate, and/or align their research projects with department of defense (dod) and/or va research laboratories and programs.

prosthetics outcomes research award (pora)

the pora is intended to support research that evaluates the comparative effectiveness of prosthetic clinical interventions, and/or their associated rehabilitation interventions, using patient-centric outcomes for service members and veterans who have undergone limb impairment or limb amputation. the objective is to improve the understanding of prosthetic devices, treatments, rehabilitation strategies, and secondary health effects. the ultimate goal is to advance the adoption and implementation of these evidence-based interventions. proposed projects should be designed to provide patient-centric outcomes data regarding prosthetic devices, and/or related clinical interventions and must include the anticipated effect on patient care metrics. principal investigators (pis) are strongly encouraged to collaborate, integrate, and/or align their research projects with department of defense (dod) and/or va research laboratories and programs.

external deadline: 
monday, august 31, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

request for bids (rfb) for evaluation of the vaw conjoint counselling pilot program

how to apply: 


to develop an evaluation framework that will be used to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of counselling provided to couples (i.e. conjoint counselling) upon completion of a two-year pilot.  the evaluation framework will be developed in conjunction with a steering committee comprised of ministry staff and stakeholders from the violence against women (vaw) sector.

to conduct the evaluation of the effectiveness of the conjoint counselling provided during and upon completion of the two-year pilot project.

call document

external deadline: 
wednesday, august 12, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 

research opportunities program’s (rop) call for research proposals

how to apply: 

dear colleagues,

the ministry of labour is pleased to announce the research opportunities program’s (rop) call for research proposals. the rop’s objective is to invest in research and knowledge dissemination projects that focus on occupational health and safety (ohs) system priorities.

program overview

there are currently two funding opportunities available:

research for the workplace (r4w)

project duration: 12-24 months

funding available: maximum of $150,000 annually (up to $300,000 per proposal)

evidence for practice (e4p)

project duration: up to 12 months

funding available: maximum of $60,000 per proposal

please see the attached rop guidelines for more details on the call and eligibility criteria.


important dates

information session:             august 6, 2015 (conference call)

proposal due date:                october 9, 2015


program documents (attached)

  1. 2015-16 rop guidelines
  2. r4w application form
  3. e4p application form

information session

information sessions will be held by teleconference on august 6, 2015 in both english and french.  if you wish to attend the august 6th information teleconference, please send an email to identifying your language preference no later than july 29, 2015. the prevention office will provide you with the teleconferencing details and time upon confirmation.

contact information

any questions related to the 2015-16 research opportunities program should be directed to:

transfer partner and research funding unit

telephone: 416-212-6518


website: rop

external deadline: 
friday, october 9, 2015
funding source: 
funding level: 
