dismantling barriers and improving the quality of education for women and girls in fragile, conflict and crisis situations
the dismantling barriers and improving the quality of education for women and girls in fragile, conflict and crisis situations call for proposals is part of canada’s $400-million commitment to education for women and girls in crisis and conflict situations, announced in june 2018 at the g7 summit in charlevoix, quebec. the call aligns with canada’s feminist international assistance policy and aims to support a sustainable development approach to increasing access and reducing barriers to quality education for women and girls in fragile, conflict and crisis situations, including in refugee-hosting countries. this call also aligns with commitments made by canada at the global disability summit in 2018 to increasing access to quality education for women and girls with disabilities and ensuring that their interests and priorities are taken into account.
the total amount of funding available under this call for proposals is up to $80 million over five years. global affairs canada may fund any number of proposals or none, up to the maximum funding available. however, the department expects to fund up to seven or eight initiatives with project durations of at least three years up to a maximum of five years.
you must submit your proposal through the partners@international portal before 12 p.m. (noon) eastern time on wednesday, february 13, 2019. we will not accept any late submissions. please read the portal instructions carefully, and plan to submit your application at least three business days before the closing date to ensure that technical difficulties do not prevent you from submitting your proposal by the deadline.
this call will support development assistance projects in fragile, conflict and crisis situations, including in refugee-hosting countries. the call is intended to promote greater coherence between humanitarian actors and host governments and to increase access and reduce barriers to quality education for women and girls. projects must clearly demonstrate collaboration with one or more local organization(s) or include a plan outlining how this collaboration will be formed.
please note that humanitarian assistance is not eligible under this call for proposals and will continue to be funded through normal humanitarian channels.
your proposal must align with at least one of the following three programming pillars in fragile, conflict and crisis situations, including in refugee-hosting countries:
- barriers: address harmful social norms and other barriers that hinder the demand for, and access to, education for girls and women in order to increase the equitable access to safe, secure, quality and inclusive education and learning opportunities for girls, adolescent girls and women, including those with disabilities.
- systems: expand and improve the provision of inclusive, gender-responsive, safe, accessible, equitable and quality pre-primary, primary and secondary education.
- skills: increase girls’ and women’s equitable access to quality gender-responsive skills development and higher education.