thematic call for projects to support mid-career workers

how to apply: 

canada’s current skills development infrastructure offers few training opportunities for mid-career workers. yet this group will undoubtedly be impacted by labour market disruptions that will displace existing jobs, create new jobs that demand different skills, and change the trajectory of many canadians’ working lives. in many sectors and regions, labour market disruption is already occurring, leaving many canadians in precarious economic positions without the support they need to build new skills, increase their capacity, and navigate an increasingly complex world of work.  

the fsc-ccf is seeking proposals for innovative projects that help fill gaps in training opportunities for mid-career workers. the centre will work with successful project proponents to support efforts to generate forward looking, responsive, and evidence-informed solutions to better meet the needs of mid-career workers facing challenges in the labour market.

external deadline: 
thursday, may 2, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

thematic call for projects to support mid-career workers

how to apply: 

canada’s current skills development infrastructure offers few training opportunities for mid-career workers. yet this group will undoubtedly be impacted by labour market disruptions that will displace existing jobs, create new jobs that demand different skills, and change the trajectory of many canadians’ working lives. in many sectors and regions, labour market disruption is already occurring, leaving many canadians in precarious economic positions without the support they need to build new skills, increase their capacity, and navigate an increasingly complex world of work.  

the fsc-ccf is seeking proposals for innovative projects that help fill gaps in training opportunities for mid-career workers. the centre will work with successful project proponents to support efforts to generate forward looking, responsive, and evidence-informed solutions to better meet the needs of mid-career workers facing challenges in the labour market.

external deadline: 
thursday, may 2, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

future skills centre

responsive grants program

how to apply: 

the responsive grants program enables the law foundation of ontario to fund ideas generated by nonprofit community groups to improve access to justice. the responsive grants program includes one round of major grants (two streams: up to $100,000 and from $100,000 to $250,000) and two rounds of small grants (up to $15,000).

responsive grants aim to encourage new ideas, approaches, and relationships that can help address emerging needs and connect more people to legal information and supports, especially people who are not currently being reached. these grants have provided seed funding for hundreds of innovative initiatives across ontario.

external deadline: 
sunday, september 1, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

defense health program department of defense multiple sclerosis research program funding opportunities for fiscal year 2019 (fy19)

how to apply: 

the fy19 defense appropriation provides $6 million (m) to the department of defense multiple sclerosis research program (msrp) to support pioneering concepts and high-impact research that are relevant to the prevention, etiology, pathogenesis, assessment, and treatment of multiple sclerosis (ms) to ultimately lessen its personal and societal impact.  as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency j9, research and development directorate, manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and materiel command (usamrmc).


fy19 msrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.


applications submitted to the fy19 msrp must address at least one of the following focus areas:

1.            factors that promote central nervous system regenerative potential in demyelination

supports innovative mechanistic studies and translational approaches to promote axonal protection, regeneration, or remyelination in ms and/or relevant experimental models. 

note:  studies addressing the following topics will not be considered for funding: developmental myelination, dysmyelination, blood-brain barrier permeability, basic mechanisms of demyelination, neurodegeneration, or inflammatory mechanisms and anti-inflammatory therapeutic strategies that limit tissue injury secondarily.

2.            correlates of disease activity and progression in ms

supports the identification and/or validation of correlates of disease activity and progression using pre-existing specimens and/or data acquired from well-characterized, adequately controlled, and sufficiently powered patient cohorts.

note:  the study must leverage pre-existing specimens and/or data that are available at the time of application submission; collection of a single set of specimens and/or data collected at one additional time point from participants in the existing cohort is allowed.

3.            biology and measurement of ms symptoms

supports studies on the biology and measurement of ms symptoms, which may include pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, loss of bladder control, impaired mobility, and cognitive, motor, visual, or sexual dysfunction. 

note:  studies of disease-modifying or regenerative therapies that secondarily impact ms symptoms will not be considered for funding under this focus area.



exploration – hypothesis development award - preproposal is due may 21, 2019

independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

*         pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.

*         supports initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high-gain, and potentially groundbreaking concepts in the ms research field.

*         preliminary and/or published data not required.

*         clinical trials are not allowed.

*         anticipated that budgets will not exceed $150,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

*          period of performance not to exceed 2 years.


investigator-initiated research award - preproposal is due may 21, 2019

independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

*         pre-application submission is required; application submission is by invitation only.

*         supports highly rigorous, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to multiple sclerosis (ms) research and/or patient care.

*         preliminary and/or published data are required.

*         clinical trials not allowed.

*         anticipated that budgets will not exceed $600,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)

*         period of performance not to exceed 3 years.


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrmc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap home page at  for more information about the msrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website


point of contact:


cdmrp help desk


external deadline: 
tuesday, may 21, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

cyber security and critical energy infrastructure program (cceip)

how to apply: 


the cyber security and critical energy infrastructure program (cceip) received $2.42 million over 5 years to enhance the cyber security and resilience of domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, in support of canada’s national cyber security strategy.


projects funded under the program are intended to strengthen the capability of the energy sector to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from cyber threats.

activities eligible for support may include:

  • research and development: activities that contribute to more secure and resilient domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, such as studies on interdependencies, supply chain management, and emerging cyber security threats.
  • sharing knowledge and expertise: activities that develop and strengthen collective knowledge with respect to addressing cyber threats to domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure, such as workshops, training, and technical briefings.
  • standards, best practices and guidelines: activities that advance the development of standards, best practices, and guidelines related to cyber security in the energy sector.

eligible recipients

eligible recipients may include:

  • individuals and legal entities validly incorporated or registered in canada, including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations or companies; industry associations; academic institutions; research associations; and, cyber security and critical infrastructure researchers and professionals.
  • international recipients, including not-for-profit organizations such as industry associations, agencies, and research associations validly incorporated or registered abroad.
  • provincial, territorial, regional and municipal governments and their departments and agencies where applicable.
external deadline: 
wednesday, may 15, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

defense health program - department of defense tuberous sclerosis complex research program

how to apply: 

the fy19 defense appropriation provides $6 million (m) to the department of defense tuberous sclerosis complex
 research program (tscrp) to support innovative, high-impact tsc research.  as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency, j9 research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation.  the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and materiel command (usamrmc).

fy19 tscrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website. 

focus areas:  the goal of the fy19 tscrp is to fund exploratory, pioneering, and transformative science that promotes discoveries in tuberous sclerosis complex (tsc), from mechanistic insights to clinical application, by supporting new ideas and investigators for the benefit of service members, their beneficiaries, and the american public.  within this context, the fy19 tscrp encourages applications that address the critical needs of the tsc community in one or more of the following fy19 focus areas:

  • eradicating tumors associated with tsc and tsc-associated lymphangioleiomyomatosis (lam), including gaining a deeper mechanistic understanding of tsc signaling pathways
  • preventing epilepsy, improving treatment, and mitigating comorbidities associated with tsc-related seizures
  • understanding the features of tsc-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (tand) and reducing their impact through pharmacological or nonpharmacological interventions
  • advancing clinical trial readiness through development of biomarkers, clinical endpoints, clinical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (pk/pd), patient selection and sample size determination, novel drug delivery, and treatment optimization


submission deadline extension


exploration – hypothesis development award – letter of intent due july 9, 2019

  • investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent), including postdoctoral fellows
  • supports the initial exploration of innovative, high-risk, high gain, and potentially groundbreaking concepts in the tsc research field.
  • projects involving human subjects or human biological substances must be exempt under 32 cfr 219.101(b)(4) or eligible for expedited review under 32 cfr 219.110 or 21 cfr 56.110.
  • preliminary data are not required.
  • clinical trials not allowed.
  • the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $150,000 in direct costs.
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • maximum period of performance is year


idea development award – letter of intent due july 9, 2019

established investigators:  independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent);


new investigators:  independent investigator at or below the level of assistant professor (or equivalent); or established independent investigator in an area other than tsc at or above the level of assistant professor seeking to transition to a career in tsc.

  • supports ideas that have the potential to yield high-impact findings and new avenues of investigation.
  • preliminary data are expected.
  • clinical trials not allowed.
  • new investigator option supports the continued development of promising independent investigators that are early in their faculty appointments and/or the transition of established investigators from other research fields into a career in tsc research.
  • applications from new investigators and established investigators will be peer and programmatically reviewed separately
  • the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $450,000 for direct costs.
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years


clinical translational research award – letter of intent due july 9, 2019

  • independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)
  • supports studies that will move promising, well-founded preclinical and/or clinical research findings closer to clinical application, including, diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment of tsc.
  • studies advancing clinical trial readiness through development of biomarkers, clinical endpoints, and validation of pk/pd are of particular interest.
  • preference will be given to studies that involve human samples, patients, or leverage existing clinical data and/or ongoing clinical studies. 
  • preclinical studies may be appropriate but must include a clinical component.
  • applications may include a small, pilot clinical trial intended to inform the next step in the continuum of translational research.
  • projects that are exploratory and/or strictly animal research will not be considered for funding.
  • preliminary data required.
  • the maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $600,000 in direct costs.
  • indirect costs may be proposed in accordance with the institution’s negotiated rate agreement.
  • maximum period of performance is 3 years


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism is also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrmc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the tscrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (

point of contact:

cdmrp help desk

external deadline: 
tuesday, july 9, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

new challenge statement for encqor 5g sme technology development program

how to apply: 

dear members of the 5g community,

oce is pleased to let you know that intake is now open for a new encqor 5g academic technology development challenge statement.

launched earlier this year, the encqor 5g academic technology development program partners researchers at ontario-based post secondary institutions with encqor 5g anchor firms on 5g technology development projects. areas of research interest are defined by challenge statements submitted to oce by the encqor 5g anchor firms and posted to the oce website on a rolling basis.

the new challenge statement is listed in the table below.


challenge statementproject partnerlaunch datedeadline
a comprehensive clock synchronization solution for 5g networks using ieee 1588v2 protocolcienaapril 4, 2019may 2, 2019

if you are interested in developing an expression of interest, please visit the program guidelines for information on next steps.

for any questions about new challenge statements or the encqor 5g academic technology development program please contact sarah fairlie at
external deadline: 
thursday, may 2, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

turnbull-tator award in spinal cord injury and concussion research

how to apply: 

briefly, this award aims to recognize an outstanding publication by a canadian researcher in the field of spinal cord and brain injury research (including concussion) in the last two years (january 1, 2017 to march 31, 2019) with a $50,000 prize. applicants will need to demonstrate that their publication includes novel and ground-breaking results that represent a major advancement for the research area and has the potential to generate new hypotheses. the award is open to all active investigators in any phase of their career, graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and postdoctoral fellows conducting research at a canadian institution. 

the deadline for receipt of applications is may 20, 2019 (16:00-est). please refer to the request for applications for additional details (, and we encourage all eligible applicants to contact with any additional questions.

external deadline: 
monday, may 20, 2019
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

turnbull-tator award in spinal cord injury and concussion research

how to apply: 

briefly, this award aims to recognize an outstanding publication by a canadian researcher in the field of spinal cord and brain injury research (including concussion) in the last two years (january 1, 2017 to march 31, 2019) with a $50,000 prize. applicants will need to demonstrate that their publication includes novel and ground-breaking results that represent a major advancement for the research area and has the potential to generate new hypotheses. the award is open to all active investigators in any phase of their career, graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and postdoctoral fellows conducting research at a canadian institution. 

the deadline for receipt of applications is may 20, 2019 (16:00-est). please refer to the request for applications for additional details (, and we encourage all eligible applicants to contact with any additional questions.

external deadline: 
monday, may 20, 2019
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 
