crohn’s and colitis canada grants-in-aid of research competition

how to apply: 

crohn's and colitis canada is currently accepting applications for its 2020 grants-in-aid of research (gia) competition. the gia program supports research on inflammatory bowel disease (ibd). this research program helps advance prevention, treatments, health policy and, ultimately find cures. grants support research projects with a defined objective, conducted by an investigator working alone or in collaboration with others.

research grants will be awarded for up to three years, at maximum $125,000 per year.

to apply:


  • submit a notice of intent to apply by 5:00 pm (est), friday, november 22, 2019.
  • applicants who submit a notice of intent may then submit a full application by 5:00 pm (est), friday, january 17, 2020.

applicants must complete the online applications available via the proposalcentral website.


for application instructions & full details on the grant competition, visit the crohn's and colitis canada website.


if you have questions, please contact us at


external deadline: 
friday, november 22, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

biostatistics training initiative – junior biostatistician award

applicant team:
the applicant team will consist of one nominated principal applicant and one biostatistics mentor. the principal applicant must be a fully affiliated member/head/chair of a department, centre or institute located within a host institution (definition below). the biostatistics mentor must be a faculty member in biostatistics or statistics or a related field with a strong background in cancer research who can provide biostatistical mentorship and guidance. the biostatistics mentor is not required to be located at the host institution of the principal applicant, but must commit to regular supervisory and mentorship meetings throughout the course of the award.
junior biostatistician:
junior biostatisticians who are eligible for placements must have a graduate degree, or be expected to receive a graduate degree in biostatistics or statistics within six months of the award initiation, and cannot be currently employed full-time at an ontario academic cancer research institution. it is encouraged, but not mandatory, that the junior biostatistician be a recipient of a previous bti internship or fellowship award. while it is desirable that the junior biostatistician be identified at the time of the application, it is not mandatory since members of the bti steering committee are available to assist the applicant team, after receipt of the award, in identifying suitable biostatistical candidates.
host institution:
the host institution is defined as the institution that will administer the bti funds and will be the location where the principal applicant and the junior biostatistician are situated. eligible host institutions include any ontario university, research centre or research institute with a focus on cancer research. oicr will establish a formal agreement with the host institution detailing the terms and conditions governing the junior biostatistician award.
how to apply: 

in an effort to continue to enhance biostatistical research capacity and help meet the high demand for oncology biostatistical support, the oicr bti is piloting the junior biostatistician award aimed at placing a recent biostatistician graduate at an ontario host institution, guided by a principal applicant and biostatistics mentor.

with support from the oicr bti junior biostatistician award, applicant team members will be expected to identify a recently trained biostatistician with the required technical knowledge and skillset required to collaborate with existing host institution researchers to support enhanced high impact research. through this new placement, the junior biostatistician will engage in interdisciplinary, collaborative cancer research.

external deadline: 
friday, november 29, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

encqor 5g academic technology development challenge statement: virtual indoor locationing

how to apply: 

ericsson is interested in working with ontario based college/ university teams to conceptualize, investigate, prototype and verify advanced planning solutions for high performance indoor virtual locationing.

external deadline: 
thursday, october 31, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

new challenge statement for encqor 5g academic technology development program: feasibility of si-based quantum information processing

how to apply: 

quantum computation will fundamentally change the way information is transmitted and processed in the next decade. this will transformation is expected to impact the telecommunication industry in the future. an area of strategic importance for the telecom sector is how to maintain secure communication when a quantum computer has the potential to break many cryptography systems. the telecommunications sector could use of quantum computers for many applications in the future including quantum cryptography, network optimization, quantum networking in terrestrial fiber networks, and ai applications. while there are many approaches to implement qubits, the basic building blocks of quantum computers, ciena is interested in investigating the viability of using si technology, which has been the preferred hardware platform for telecommunication systems. this academic research challenge is expected to demonstrate, experimentally, the potential for si based qubit with the required high-speed circuitry and the possibility for operating above 4k and later at even higher temperatures. this activity will allow ciena to closely follow the progress of this new information transmission and processing method and to have an informed opinion about the availability and characteristics of quantum information processing systems.

external deadline: 
monday, november 4, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

new challenge statement for encqor 5g academic technology development program: 5g and mimo radar virtual driving and simulation for mass transit

how to apply: 

5g technology has the potential to solve key challenges faced by transit operators in helping them to run their systems safely and efficiently. while many recognize this as an opportunity there is limited data on the capabilities and performance of 5g for this application. thales canada is interested in working with an ontario based academic institution to develop a series of models and simulations to better understand the operation of 5g for mass transit systems.

external deadline: 
monday, november 4, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

encqor 5g academic technology development challenge statement: 5g localization use case in mass rail transit

how to apply: 
5g technology has the potential to solve key challenges faced by transit operators in autonomous train operation (ato). position information has become a key feature in recent years to drive location and context aware services in mobile communications. however, providing position information with sufficient accuracy, high availability and coverage is still a very challenging task.
thales canada is interested in working with an ontario based academic institution to develop a 5g communications system for localization with sub 1m accuracy.
external deadline: 
monday, november 18, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

travel awards


applicants must be either a:

  • registered student in a phd, md, or md/phd program
  • post-doctoral fellow (within 5 years of attaining their phd)
  • medical resident/clinical fellow 

at the time of the conference, phd, md, md/phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 must be registered at an eligible canadian host institution.

trainee positions must be undertaken at an eligible canadian institution.

how to apply: 

a limited number of travel awards to phd, md, or md/phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , and post-doctoral/medical/clinical fellows are available. the purpose of this program is to defray the travel costs associated with making a scientific presentation as a first author or presenter at a conference, symposium or other appropriate professional meeting.

external deadline: 
wednesday, january 15, 2020
funding source: 
funding level: 

postdoctoral enrichment program

how to apply: 

postdoctoral enrichment program (pdep) provides a total of $60,000 over three years to support the career development activities for underrepresented minority postdoctoral fellows in a degree-granting institution in the united states or canada whose training and professional development are guided by mentors committed to helping them advance to stellar careers in biomedical or medical research.

external deadline: 
wednesday, january 15, 2020
funding source: 
funding level: 

2020 summer student awards


eligibility: undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are eligible to apply if they are enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible canadian university at the time of application. applicants must have completed all of the course requirements of at least the first year of study in their programs (two academic terms), and must be in good academic standing with their universities. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from any discipline are encouraged to apply, so long as their proposed summer activities align with the strategic priorities of cfn related to improving care for older canadians living with frailty.

how to apply: 

a crucial part of canadian frailty network’s mandate is to develop the next generation of highly qualified personnel (hqp) – the scientists and teachers, clinicians, and health and social services professionals that will improve care for older adults living with frailty. cfn’s summer student awards (ssa) program offers undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 an experiential program in partnership with member institutions and partners across the country. in new brunswick, the competition is presented in collaboration with the new brunswick health research foundation (nbhrf).

external deadline: 
monday, november 4, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 

2020 interdisciplinary fellowship program

how to apply: 

a crucial part of canadian frailty network’s mandate is to develop the next generation of highly qualified personnel (hqp) – the scientists and educators, clinicians, and health and social services professionals that will improve care for older adults living with frailty. the cfn interdisciplinary fellowship program goes beyond traditional academic and clinical training opportunities by offering enriched experiential learning and interdisciplinary collaboration. in new brunswick, the competition is presented in collaboration with the new brunswick health research foundation (nbhrf).

external deadline: 
monday, november 4, 2019
funding source: 
funding level: 
