call for proposals
the canadian glycomics network (glyconet) is a network of centres of excellence that focuses on the role of glycans (carbohydrates) in health. areas of focus for glyconet in cycle ii (2020–23) are antimicrobials, chronic diseases (including diabetes & obesity), neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. additional information about network research can be found at
glyconet funds projects along the research innovation continuum: 1) translational r&d, 2) clinical engagement, 3) technology development, and 4) knowledge and technology exchange and exploitation (ktee). the network is currently seeking letters of intent (loi) for the following funding programs:
- collaborative team grants. these grants involve two or more research groups in different disciplines. maximum request: $150,000 for one year, 1:1 matching required.
- translational grants. these grants further advance/translate projects with proof of concept and protected ip. maximum request: $150,000 for one year, 1:1 matching required.
- strategic initiatives. these grants fund partner-led initiatives to advance a partner challenge. maximum request: $150,000 for one year, with possibility of one year renewal, 1:1 matching required.
- clinical partnerships. these grants offer funding opportunities for clinicians to validate glycomics data from clinical studies. maximum request: $50,000 for one year.
the intent of the request for letter of intent (loi) is to understand the community’s interest in these funding initiatives. lois will be screened and, if selected, will be invited to submit a full proposal in the most suitable funding program. it could be that, upon review of the loi, the network considers a different funding program from the one requested. lois that involve an investigator who is primarily funded by one of the tri-council agencies (e.g., cihr) working with others primarily funded by one or both of the other tri-council agencies (e.g., nserc and/or sshrc) will be viewed most favourably.