ohtn hiv endgame funding program
ohtn has launched a new call for the hiv endgame funding program. this funding call will support people and projects that have the potential to:
- meet the needs of populations in ontario most affected by hiv
- drive changes in policy and practice across the hiv prevention, engagement, and care cascade
- lead to more integrated health and social services
- identify effective ways to address the social determinants that have a negative impact on the health of communities most affected by hiv
- contribute to a rapid learning hiv health and social system
the ohtn will support three types of award:
1. endgame leader awards: a selection of salary awards for innovators and policy leaders at different stages of their careers, including student awards and support for investigators in frontline service environments (community fellows).
2. game changer awards: investigator-driven awards that will build on the engagement of ontario’s hiv innovation community to generate game-changing knowledge, and pilot and scale up innovative interventions. this stream includes the breaking new ground award and the implementation science award.
3. community based project and participatory evaluation awards: support for community-based agencies, their staff, and people living with hiv to undertake projects, needs assessments, quality improvements, and evaluation activities that help develop and modify effective programs, services, and policies or generate data to make the case for additional hiv inquiry relevant to ontario’s needs.
through a strategic planning process and stakeholder consultations, ohtn has identified seven priorities or key learning areas:
up to $1,300,000 is available in 2020-2021.
review process
a diverse ohtn review committee will review and appraise every proposal submitted to the endgame funding program. review criteria are included in the application guidelines.
important deadlines
loi application deadline: april 14, 2020 at 5pm est
results of loi: mid-may 2020
full application deadline: june 15, 2020 at 5pm est
hiv endgame program
the hiv endgame program supports people and projects (including innovative, discovery-based, and investigator-driven game changing projects) that have the potential to:
- meet the needs of populations in ontario most affected by hiv.
- drive changes in policy and practice across the hiv prevention, engagement, and care cascade.
- lead to more integrated health and social services.
- identify effective ways to address the social determinants that have a negative impact on the health of communities most affected by hiv.
- contribute to a rapid learning hiv health and social system.
up to $1,300,000.00 is available in 2020-21.
endgame leader awards
salary support for leaders at different stages of their careers who are interested in working with the ohtn to drive change.
1. endgame leader chair award (loi application deadline: april 14, 2020 (5:00 pm est))
the endgame leader chair award provides salary support for leaders who are interested in working closely and collaboratively with the ohtn to drive change, contribute to rapid learning and improvement in our sector, and build hiv innovation capacity in ontario. the chair award is for an individual with an excellent and relevant program of data, evidence-sharing, and impact that aims to close gaps in hiv prevention, testing and diagnosis, engagement in care, or achievement of viral suppression. chair recipients will drive change in ontario by working with defined populations of people affected by hiv. their data, evidence-sharing, and impact activities should uncover gaps, identify solutions, and examine interventions at multiple points on the cascade.
2. innovator award (loi application deadline: april 14, 2020 (5:00 pm est))
the endgame leader innovator award provides salary support for leaders who are interested in working closely and collaboratively with the ohtn to drive change, contribute to rapid learning and improvement in our sector, and build hiv innovation capacity in ontario. the innovator award is for outstanding mid-career and senior innovators who have already secured project funds from their institutions, organizations, or other funding bodies, and who are seeking salary support/time release to focus on projects relevant to at least one of the areas of rapid learning and improvement. their work will focus on projects that fill hiv prevention and care knowledge gaps or evaluate interventions to improve programs and services.
3. endgame leader policy and practice award (loi application deadline: april 14, 2020 (5:00 pm est))
the endgame leader policy and practice award recognizes service providers and health care professionals who already have influence with(in) hiv-affected communities and who have relevant and impactful plans to translate data and evidence into improved programs and care. this award provides a tool for the ohtn to advance program and policy change in ontario by supporting effective leaders.
the award supports applicants by contributing towards the grantee’s salary (or that of a support staff member) in order to free the policy and practice leader’s time to:
• lead and nurture data, evidence-sharing, and impact initiatives that emerge from community priorities; work with the populations most affected by hiv in ontario; and have immediate potential to enhance the care of people living with hiv, impact the transmission of hiv, or reduce the stigmatization of people living with hiv
• create programs, policies, and protocols designed to move evidence into practice
• mentor innovators, caregivers, and community-based providers to address the needs of communities and to generate evidence designed to improve programs and care for people living with and at risk of hiv
• spur practice changes within their organization or practice community that reflect generated data or evidence
4. endgame leader junior investigator award (loi application deadline: april 14, 2020 (5:00 pm est))
the endgame leader junior investigator award provides salary support for emergent leaders who are interested in working closely and collaboratively with the ohtn to drive change, contribute to rapid learning and improvement in our sector, and build hiv innovation capacity in ontario.
the junior investigator award is for emergent leaders in hiv inquiry (including current postdoctoral fellows) who are preparing to establish a hiv program of data, evidence-sharing, and impact. junior investigators must be committed to collaboration with other ohtn-funded leaders and stakeholders. projects should be relevant to the areas of rapid learning and improvement. their program of data, evidence-sharing, and impact should aim to fill knowledge gaps in hiv prevention and care or evaluate interventions to improve programs and services.
5. endgame leader community fellowship award (application deadlines: april 14, 2020 & june 15, 2020 (5:00 pm est))
nserc alliance covid-19 grants
nserc supports over 11,000 world-class researchers across canada, and we fund their research collaborations with over 4,000 companies. in response to the covid-19 pandemic, nserc is leveraging the expertise of researchers in natural science and engineering and their partners across canada to address this unprecedented crisis.
nserc is providing up to $15 million in total support to stimulate collaborations between academic researchers and the public and not-for-profit sectors, and industry to address pandemic-related research and technical challenges. support for up to $50,000 for one-year projects is being made available immediately.
nserc will process these applications in an accelerated fashion. partners do not need to provide cash contributions to participate, but must be engaged throughout the research process, from input in design to using the expertise and/or the research results.
scholar-innovator program
to be eligible for the award, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
- hold an md or md/phd (or equivalent)
- hold a faculty position at an accredited academic medical center, university or research institution in the us or canada, and conduct the majority of his/her research at that institution
- a project may have only a single pi, who is responsible for project oversight and financial management. the pi may engage collaborators, core labs or commercial cros to execute any fraction of the project
- past recipients of harrington scholar-innovator awards may submit new and distinct proposals, but may not seek additional support for previously funded projects
the harrington scholar-innovator award recognizes physician-scientist innovators throughout the us and canada, whose research has the potential to change standard of care. the scholar-innovator award provides research and drug development support to help bridge the gap between basic discovery and the clinical realm.
up to twelve harrington scholar-innovator awards are made each year through a competitive selection process.
defense health program department of defense ovarian cancer research program funding opportunities for fiscal year 2020 (fy20)
the fiscal year 2020 (fy20) defense appropriations bill has not been signed into law. although fy20 funds have not been appropriated for the department of defense ovarian cancer research program (ocrp), the ocrp is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated fy20 funding opportunities. this pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government.
the fy20 defense appropriations act is anticipated to provide funding to the department of defense (dod) ovarian cancer research program (ocrp) to support patient-centered research to prevent, detect, treat, and cure ovarian cancer to enhance the health and well-being of service members, veterans, retirees, their family members, and all women impacted by this disease. as directed by the office of the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, the defense health agency j9, research and development directorate manages the defense health program (dhp) research, development, test, and evaluation (rdt&e) appropriation. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).
fy20 ocrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanism is posted on the grants.gov website.
proteogenomics research award – letter of intent due july 16, 2020
investigators at or above the postdoctoral level (or equivalent).
- supports the use of proteomics and/or genomics to explore new concepts or theories in ovarian cancer.
- the proposed research question should be innovative and have the potential to make an impact on ovarian cancer.
- the analysis of clinical trial-derived specimens and/or large patient specimen cohorts is encouraged.
- the use of the unique proteomics resource at the women’s health integrated research center clinical proteomics platform through the department of defense intramural gynecologic cancer center of excellence is encouraged.
- preliminary data are not required but allowed.
- clinical trials are not allowed.
- submission of a letter of intent (loi) is required prior to full application submission.
- maximum funding of $250,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- maximum period of performance is 2 years.
a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at https://ebrap.org prior to the pre-application deadline. all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the grants.gov website. the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on grants.gov. a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the grants.gov website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420.
for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at https://ebrap.org. for more information about the ocrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (https://cdmrp.army.mil).
point of contact:
cdmrp help desk
medical student education research grants (mserg)
canada is a world leader in medical education scholarship, with achievements including problem-based learning (pbl), multiple mini-interviews (mmis), and the first national licensure objective structured clinical examination (osce). medical 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 are in a unique position to contribute to the medical education literature. our personal experiences with the training curricula can shed light on what works and what doesn't, generating ideas and stimulating new research questions.
the ontario medical 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 association (omsa) is excited to announce the sixth annual medical student education research grant (mserg) call for applications in partnership with the associated medical services (ams), oma insurance, the cma, and md financial management.
the 2020 mserg will provide grants valued at $5,000 each to fund nine projects designed by ontario medical 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 . this will enable 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 to conduct research projects in medical education. three of these nine awards will be granted in the open stream and six of these nine awards will be granted in the compassionate care steam. of the nine mserg awards, at least one award will go to a student project from each of the six ontario medical schools, provided that they meet the eligibility criteria.
the deadline to apply is april 13th, 2020.
measuring impacts and progress 2020 call for applications
the law foundation of ontario invites applications to apply for a measuring impacts and progress 2020 grant, through our strategic granting program.
the purpose of the measuring impacts and progress 2020 granting is to build the knowledge that will improve justice system services for the people of ontario. the first method is to support research or activities that address making improvements in the use of data in the justice system. the second is to support empirical research that will help improve how the justice system serves the people of ontario. this granting stream highlights the foundation’s objective of expanding knowledge: “we continually deepen our knowledge of access to justice, including the contribution of community organizations. we are committed to share our knowledge of what is happening and what works”.
request for proposals: frailty and covid-19
the canadian frailty network (cfn) is looking to fund proposals aimed at investigating the interaction between frailty and covid-19. older adults living with frailty are the most vulnerable to covid-19. as a result, cfn is looking for health, social or policy research studies that investigate determinants of increased susceptibility, and solutions to mitigate or prevent the differential risk to covid-19. see below for specific proposal details.