japan society for the promotion of science postdoctoral fellowships

how to apply: 


the  japan society for the promotion of science (jsps) has established the jsps postdoctoral fellowships for foreign researchers. a limited number of promising early-career researchers are given the opportunity to conduct research in japanese universities and in designated research institutions and laboratories. nserc is responsible for recommending canadian nominees for jsps postdoctoral fellowships.

nserc is acting on the evidence that equity, diversity and inclusion strengthen the scientific and engineering communities and the quality, social relevance and impact of research. increasing diversity and gender equity in the research enterprise are key priorities in our strategic plan, nserc 2020, and are highlighted in the strategic goal of “building a diversified and competitive research base”.


to be considered eligible for support, as of the application deadline date, you must:

  • be a canadian citizen or a permanent resident of canada;
  • not have japanese nationality or be a permanent resident of japan;
  • hold or expect to hold a doctorate degree in one of the fields of research that nserc supports prior to the proposed start date of the postdoctoral fellowship;
  • not hold, or have held, any other jsps postdoctoral fellowship

for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator, at  intl.research@lakeheadu.ca

external deadline: 
monday, february 1, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

sshrc impact awards

how to apply: 


sshrc impact awards are designed to build on and sustain canada’s research-based knowledge culture in all research areas of the social sciences and humanities. the awards recognize outstanding researchers and celebrate their research achievements, research training, knowledge mobilization, and outreach activities funded partially or entirely by sshrc.

recipients are to use award funds for activities that promote and further develop the work being honoured. in recognition of the crucial role postsecondary institutions play in mobilizing research knowledge, at least 10% of each award must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements. individual recipients and their institutions may choose to devote additional funds, including a higher percentage of the award funds, to these activities.

a multidisciplinary jury made up of distinguished individuals from academia, as well as the private, not-for-profit and public sectors, from canada and abroad, will select award recipients according to the selection criteria associated with each of the five awards.

before announcing the names of the award winners and finalists, sshrc will share competition results on the grants and scholarships administrative portal.

eligible institutions are invited to put forward nominations for the:

  • gold medal ($100,000)
  • talent award ($50,000)
  • insight award ($50,000)
  • connection award ($50,000)
  • partnership award ($50,000)

gold medal ($100,000)

the gold medal is sshrc’s highest research honour. it is awarded to an individual whose sustained leadership, dedication and originality of thought have inspired 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and colleagues alike.

the recipient’s achievements in research must have significantly advanced understanding in their respective fields of research in the social sciences and humanities. the exceptional quality and impact of the recipient’s research, and their ongoing efforts to share the results of this work, must have greatly enriched canadian society, and contributed to social, cultural, economic and intellectual life in canada and/or internationally.

gold medal funds must be used within one year for research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities. at least 10% of the award must be used to promote the impact and outcomes of the recipient’s research achievements.

selection criteria

  1. challenge—ambition and importance (25%):
    • originality and significance of the body of work within the nominee’s fields of research.
  2. achievements—impact and outcomes (75%):
    • evidence of the sustained quality, impact and influence of the nominee’s research achievements within and/or beyond the academic community;
    • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level;
    • nominee’s national and/or international stature;
    • nominee’s commitment, creativity and successes in sharing research knowledge within and/or beyond the academic community; and
    • nominee’s overall contribution to knowledge.

talent award ($50,000)

the talent award recognizes outstanding achievement by an individual who, on april 1, 2021, holds a sshrc doctoral scholarship or fellowship or postdoctoral fellowship. this includes, but is not limited to, a canada graduate scholarship, vanier canada graduate scholarship or banting postdoctoral fellowship.

the talent award is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, has a talent for research and knowledge mobilization and has demonstrated clear potential to be a future leader within and/or outside the academic sector.

the talent award can either be:

  • taken up as a fellowship to fund the recipient’s doctoral or postdoctoral research over a one-year period; or  
  • used within one year of receiving the award as a grant to support research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities.

at least 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

selection criteria

  1. challenge—ambition and importance (25%):
    • originality and significance of the body of work within the nominee’s fields of research.
  2. achievements—impact and outcomes (75%):
    • originality and significance of nominee’s body of academic achievement and research, including quality of publications relative to stage of career;
    • evidence of impact of the nominee’s work within their fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community;
    • nominee’s ability and commitment to communicate research results within and/or beyond the academic community;
    • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level; and
    • nominee’s demonstrated potential for leadership and societal contributions within and/or beyond the academic community.

insight award ($50,000)

the insight award recognizes outstanding achievement arising from a single or multiple sshrc-funded initiatives. it is given to an individual or a team of six people maximum (including the nominee) whose initiative(s) have significantly contributed to knowledge and understanding about people, societies and the world. the research outcomes must have led to demonstrable impact within the nominee’s fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.

in the case of a team initiatives(s), the nominee must be the principal investigator. if successful, this person will receive the award on behalf of the team.

the nomination package must include the nominee’s sshrc cv, and those of any team members (up to five), if applicable.

insight award funds must be used within one year to further develop the initiative(s) being recognized, through research, knowledge mobilization or other research-related activities. a minimum of 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

selection criteria

  1. challenge—ambition and importance (25%):
    • originality and significance of the body of work within the nominee’s fields of research.
  2. achievements—impact and outcomes (75%):
    • evidence of contributions within the nominee’s fields of research, including, but not limited to, scholarly literature, and other knowledge mobilization contributions, such as commissioned reports, professional practice, public discourse, public policies, products and services, experience in collaboration, etc.;
    • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level; and
    • evidence of influence and impact on research and/or societal outcomes.

connection award ($50,000)

the connection award recognizes an outstanding sshrc-funded initiative that facilitates the flow and exchange of research knowledge within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community. it is given to an individual or team whose initiative has engaged the campus and/or wider community, and has generated intellectual, cultural, social and/or economic impacts.

in the case of a team initiative, the nominee must be the applicant/project director for the initiative. if successful, this person will receive the award on behalf of the team.

the nomination package must include the nominee’s sshrc cv, and those of any team members (up to five), if applicable.

connection award funds must be used within one year to further develop the knowledge mobilization activity being recognized, or to support other research-related activities. at least 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

selection criteria

  1. challenge—ambition and importance (25%):
    • originality and significance of the initiative within the nominee’s fields of research.
  2. achievements—impact and outcomes (75%):
    • effectiveness of research knowledge dissemination/exchange within the nominee’s fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community;
    • evidence of contributions, including, but not limited to, scholarly literature and other knowledge mobilization contributions, such as commissioned reports, professional practice, public discourse, public policies, products and services, experience in collaboration, etc.;
    • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , emerging scholars and participants, relative to nominee’s career level; and
    • evidence of influence and impact on research and/or societal outcomes.

partnership award ($50,000)

the partnership award recognizes a sshrc‑funded formal partnership for its outstanding achievement in advancing research, research training or knowledge mobilization, or developing a new partnership approach to research and/or related activities. it is awarded to a formal partnership that, through mutual co-operation and shared intellectual leadership and resources, has demonstrated impact and influence within and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community.

for the partnership award, the nominee must be the project director. if successful, this person will receive the award on behalf of the partnership.

the nomination package must include the nominee’s sshrc cv, and those of any team members (up to five), if applicable.

partnership award funds must be used within one year to further develop the research, knowledge mobilization or research-related activities being recognized. at least 10% of the award funds must be used to promote the recipient’s research achievements.

selection criteria

  1. challenge—ambition and importance (25%):
    • originality and significance of the partnership within the nominee’s fields of research.
  2. achievements—impact and outcomes (75%):
    • evidence of mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual leadership and resources within the nominee’s fields of research and/or beyond the social sciences and humanities research community;
    • quality of partnership, including shared engagement and ownership;
    • evidence of contributions, including, but not limited to, scholarly literature, and/or other knowledge mobilization contributions, such as commissioned reports, professional practice, public discourse, public policies, products and services, experience in collaboration, etc.;
    • level of nominee’s engagement with, and quality of training and mentoring provided to, 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 , emerging scholars and participants, relative to the nominee’s career level; and
    • evidence of influence and impact on research and/or societal outcomes.

nomination process

eligible institutions are invited to put forward nominations for all sshrc impact award categories. each institution may submit only one nomination for each award in a given year, up to a maximum of five sshrc impact award nominations. institutions must provide the name and contact information of a person to whom sshrc will send all questions and correspondence, including results.

if you are interested in applying for one of these awards, please contact dr. batia stolar, associate vice-president, research & graduate studies, at avp.research@lakeheadu.ca

external deadline: 
thursday, april 1, 2021
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

undergraduate summer student awards program

how to apply: 

the cfn summer student awards are unique in providing undergraduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 with interdisciplinary experience, while developing their knowledge of the opportunities and challenges in caring for an aging population. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 work with supervisors from their disciplines, and meet regularly with mentors from a complimentary discipline.

世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program at an eligible canadian university at the time of application, and have completed all of the course requirements of at least the first year of university study (two academic terms) of his/her degree.

preference is given to applicants that have demonstrated current or prior personal or professional interest in older adults living with frailty and/or aging through pursuing aging-related courses or specializations, or relevant work, community service or leadership experience.

external deadline: 
friday, january 8, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

canada-china scholars' exchange program

how to apply: 

description: global affairs canada and the chinese ministry of education are offering short-term scholarships to canadians wishing to pursue post-secondary academic study, scientific research or chinese language training or a combination of these activities at participating chinese institutions.

for more information, please contact jill sherman, international research facilitator at: intl.research@lakeheadu.ca

external deadline: 
thursday, january 21, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

cadieux-léger fellowship - research affiliate program

how to apply: 
global affairs canada
ottawa (ontario)
from february 2021 to february 2022
the cadieux-léger fellowship will last up to twelve months. the fellow will receive a total bursary not greater than $48,000 contingent on duration.

for further information on the organization, please visit global affairs canada

for further information on the program, please visit research affiliate program (rap)

closing date: 11 december 2020 - 23:59, pacific time

who can apply: persons residing in canada and canadian citizens residing abroad.

important messages

we are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. if you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the contact information below to request specialized accommodation. all information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.

assessment accommodation

do you want to gain valuable experience working in an area related to your studies while contributing to the advancement of canada’s international interests? the cadieux-léger fellowship, now in its 27th year, provides direct experience in a policy research environment focused on the diverse challenges facing canadian foreign policy.

applying for the cadieux-léger fellowship is done through the research affiliate program (rap). only candidates that have completed this step of the process will be considered.

the deadline for applications is no later than december 11, 2020. due to the need to balance operational needs with public health requirements, candidates will be expected to work from home remotely, but be capable of in-person attendance in a work setting in ottawa where required.

due to the high volume of receipt of applications, only the 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 selected for an interview will be contacted.


the fellow’s work includes research, writing short papers or briefs, and participating in the policy development process, including by networking with internal and external experts and contributing to policy working groups and other initiatives.

work environment

the foreign policy research and foresight division of global affairs canada (gac) is pleased to
announce the selection process for the 2021-2022 cadieux-léger fellowship.

the cadieux-léger fellow is integrated within the foreign policy research division at gac as an analyst.

the fellow’s work includes research, writing short papers or briefs, and participating in the policy development process, including by networking with internal and external experts and contributing to policy working groups and other initiatives.

while at gac, the fellow is expected to advance canadian the foreign policy research and foresight division’s research agenda, including understanding the evolving structure of international relations and its implications for canada. this can include better understanding rules based international order, accounting for new actors (countries, alliances, non-state actors and organisations), global power rebalancing (exploring new power configurations), and other critical issue areas affecting the international order.

we welcome proposals related to these themes that have clear relevance to canadian foreign policy priorities and ideally reflect the additional global affairs canada objectives related to international development and trade. the relevance and quality of the research proposal is an important factor in the selection process, as are interpersonal skills and capacity for teamwork.

the foreign policy research division aims to create an efficient and collaborative work environment through knowledge-sharing, exchanging experience and ideas, as well as soliciting and welcoming input in new ways from a variety of stakeholders. as such, the fellow would be expected to build networks within gac, the government and with external experts. a particular emphasis will be placed on identifying and engaging new sets of stakeholders whose good ideas can be leveraged.

external deadline: 
friday, december 11, 2020
funding source: 
funding level: 

early learning and child care (elcc) innovation

how to apply: 

early learning and child care (elcc) innovation is to support organizations exploring new ideas to maximize innovative practices in elcc services across canada.

there is more information available on the early learning and child care (elcc) innovation program page.

as organizations can only submit one application to this competition, if faculty are interested in applying to this opportunity, they are asked to contact the office of research (ahacquo1@lakehead.ca) by december 11, 2020.

external deadline: 
thursday, january 7, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

call for full project proposals (fpps) environmental and social studies – seabirds in atlantic offshore

how to apply: 

attraction of seabirds and birds generally, to artificially lit structures resulting in injury or death is an ongoing concern. apart from risk of physical injury the expenditure of energy due to such attraction, particularly during critical life stages e.g., migration may affect survival rates.

leach’s storm petrels (oceanodroma leucorhoa) are widely distributed across canada’s east coast with large breeding colonies on islands along the coasts of both newfoundland and nova scotia, and small colonies in québec, labrador, new brunswick and maine. their nighttime foraging and migratory behaviors across the east coast offshore make them particularly vulnerable to attraction to the artificial lighting on offshore oil and gas installations and marine vessels of all kinds. recent research findings from colony censuses that document a significant population decline at most, but not all colonies, over the past thirty years accentuating the risk to these populations.


to develop a program of research aimed to better understand if and how seabirds, in particular, leach’s storm petrels, are attracted to light generated by oil and gas activities in atlantic offshore.

external deadline: 
sunday, january 31, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

special additional call for applications

how to apply: 

the canadian hemophilia society (chs) is pleased to put out a special call for applications for two of its research programs for the 2021-2022 grant period: the chs/novo nordisk psychosocial research program and the chs – bayer – advance canada research program.

given that we received no applications for the november 16, 2020 deadline for the chs/novo nordisk psychosocial research program and the chs – bayer – advance canada research program, we have decided to make a new last special call for these programs with a new deadline set for january 18, 2021. details follow.


Ø  chs/novo nordisk psychosocial research programme: applications from social workers, nurses, or physiotherapists with professional experience in a hemophilia treatment centre (or other comparable settings in which care has been provided to people with hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders) or persons interested in the field of inherited bleeding disorders will be considered. 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 in a phd program in one of the allied health disciplines may also apply. professionals who have appointments in universities and who can dedicate time to research are encouraged to apply. professional experience in a hemophilia treatment centre is desirable but not required.

Ø  chs/bayer advance canada research program:  applicant must be a physician or ph.d. with professional experience in a hemophilia treatment centre (htc) or other comparable settings in which care has been provided to people with hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. professionals who have appointments in universities and who can dedicate time to research are encouraged to apply. the proposed research must have relevance to current practice in bleeding disorders care and may incorporate a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative research methods addressing professional practice with individuals, families, groups and communities, organizational issues, public health, and education.the research studies should aim to provide better data and tools to help the treaters assist patients in successful ageing.


chs/novo nordisk canada psychosocial research programme


the chs/novo nordisk canada psychosocial research program was created to engage hemophilia program professionals/graduate 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 from the allied health disciplines (ie. nursing, physiotherapy & social work) in research activities addressed to understanding the psychosocial impact of hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders and to improve the quality of life of persons and families whose lives are affected by these disorders.


the primary intent of this program is to offer one or two $20,000 research grants, to a maximum of $40,000 for one year.


depending upon the number and quality of applications, funding for more than two research grant could be offered within the allotted total budget stated above.

the major portion of each grant would be to cover the research time for the successful candidate(s), including the time for research assistants. a small amount can be devoted to project expenses.


multidisciplinary collaboration:
collaboration with multidisciplinary care providers and/or between two or more hemophilia centres is accepted and encouraged. collaboration efforts may include, for example, social work, physical therapy and genetics. it thus may be possible for a hemophilia centre team to jointly submit a cooperative research project. additionally, inter-regional applications will be considered.
applications and deadline:
letter of intent should be submitted to the canadian hemophilia society by january 18, 2021. the letter, with a maximum of two pages, should identify the researcher, the organization and include a summary description of the intended area of research.

the chs peer review committee will invite a limited number of candidates to submit a more detailed proposal by february 1, 2021 in order to make a final selection. grants will be offered for a one-year period to begin in april 2021.


more detailed information is available by accessing the chs web site at https://www.hemophilia.ca/the-chsnovo-nordisk-psychosocial-research-program/





the canadian hemophilia society – bayer advance canada research program



the canadian hemophilia society – bayer advance canada research program was created to engage canadian hemophilia treaters in activities to identify and research key issues in the ageing hemophilia population.


the research program will support studies that aim to:


•             identify and provide insight into key issues associated with the ageing hemophilia population

•             identify how management of age-related co-morbidities should be adapted to those with hemophilia

•             create and deliver evidence-based information to health care practitioners (hcps), the public and policy makers that will lead to improved care and qol for older canadians living with hemophilia


the primary intent of this program is to offer one or two $30,000 research grants, to a maximum of $60,000 for one year.


applications and deadline:
all completed application forms and support documents must arrive at the national office of the canadian hemophilia society on or before january 18, 2021.


additional information, the eligibility criteria and conditions for the research program as well as the application form can be found on our website at this link:


external deadline: 
monday, january 18, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

2021 postgraduate affiliate program

how to apply: 

the vector institute, based in toronto, is one of the world’s top research institutes in machine learning (ml) and deep learning (dl). the daily life and concentration of expertise at vector fosters a network of over 500 researchers and potential collaborators. researchers at vector work with industry sponsors as well as universities and other public institutions to support the artificial intelligence (ai) ecosystem in ontario.

the primary goal of the vector institute postgraduate affiliate program is to foster collaboration and contributions among 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and researchers with expertise in deep learning as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence more broadly.  the program is intended to promote engagement among researchers in the broader ai community.

postgraduate affiliates form an integral part of the vector community, engaged in both research and community activities. where interests align, postgraduate affiliates can also benefit from interacting with industry sponsors, as well as health and academic partners, through participation in networking events, seminars, training sessions and workshops.

program applicants are evaluated and selected by the vector postgraduate affiliate committee according to the strength of their research contributions and the alignment of their interests with vector’s vision, mission,  research strengths and potential for engagement with vector’s  industry sponsors. vector postgraduate affiliates are appointed for a two-year term and are expected to contribute towards vector events and activities. they are also eligible to receive a number of benefits in recognition of their participation in the program.


as a vector postgraduate affiliate, you are expected to undertake the following responsibilities:

  • participate in vector activities and events;
  • collaborate with vector’s industry and health partners; and
  • publicize and promote the vector institute by acknowledging affiliation in publications and presentations.


as a vector postgraduate affiliate, you will receive the following:

  • ability to connect regularly with vector researchers and collaborate freely;
  • participation in vector activities and events, including all applicable internal talks and presentations;
  • access to the vector office space and hotelling desks up to two-days per week, on a first-come, first-serve basis; 
  • access to vector computing resources;
  • announcement and listing of affiliation status; and
  • access to exclusive job opportunities through the vector talent hub.

eligibility criteria

  • phd 世界杯2022赛程表淘汰赛 and post-doctoral fellows conducting research on novel methods or applications in machine learning.
  • the extent to which the candidate’s research will strengthen and support the vision and mission of the vector institute in addition to the potential for engagement with the vector research community and industry sponsors. 
  • phd student or postdoctoral fellowship affiliation with an institution in ontario.

in order to maintain status as a vector postgraduate affiliate, you must continue to meet this eligibility criteria through-out the term of your appointment.

external deadline: 
monday, january 11, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

vector institute
