call for applications: the intersectoral action fund

how to apply: 

intersectoral action refers to the ways that different groups and sectors of society work together to improve health and the conditions that shape health. under the intersectoral action fund, the public health agency of canada is seeking proposals for community-based projects that support collective action on the social determinants of health. specifically, this solicitation will aim to build capacity for intersectoral action across three project streams:


  • stream 1: identify priority areas for collective action on social determinants of health and wellbeing


  • stream 2: foster transformative partnerships to facilitate action on social determinants of health and wellbeing


  • stream 3: build capacity to take action on social determinants of health and wellbeing


if your organization is working in one of the above areas, or if these are areas where you would like to undertake new work, we encourage you to apply. applications from small organizations are welcome – organizations can apply for between $25,000 and $250,000 per project.


the deadline to submit an application for this funding opportunity is july 12, 2021 at 3:00pm edt. if you are interested in applying to this funding opportunity, please email and reference “intersectoral action fund” in the subject line to request an application package. only funding requests using the template provided in the application package will be considered.

external deadline: 
monday, july 12, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

proof of concept

how to apply: 

the proof-of-concept grants program will favour those applications that focus on challenging new directions in research into alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. the proof-of-concept grant will support investigators with innovative, potentially high-risk, high-yield exploration into dementia research. the maximum amount awarded is $100,000; the grant can be held for a maximum of three (3) years.

external deadline: 
tuesday, july 6, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

operating grant : covid-19 vaccine confidence

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to advance knowledge and strategies on how to increase vaccine confidence in populations experiencing conditions of marginalization, indigenous peoples and/or populations who have historically been under-vaccinated, including how to address structural, contextual, intersectional and historical barriers to vaccination by:

  1. addressing knowledge gaps related to understanding the causes and contributing factors to lower vaccination confidence associated with covid-19, and provide communities, healthcare providers, and public health and health system leaders with actionable evidence to improve vaccine confidence and uptake in clinical and/or community contexts; and
  2. designing, implementing and/or evaluating promising interventions to increase vaccine confidence, including a focus on which approaches are most effective, in which populations and contexts, and why (implementation science approach).

first nations, inuit and métis including urban indigenous communities

for applications addressing vaccine confidence among indigenous peoples applicants are encouraged to use a distinctions-based approach and to identify structural, contextual, and historical barriers that explain inequities in uptake and inform strategies for meaningful and culturally safe solutions. projects must prioritize first nations, inuit and métis peoples and communities, including urban indigenous communities, in leading their own research, and include an approach based on indigenous knowledge systems.

applicants whose proposed research will involve indigenous peoples should consult the tri-council policy statement (tcps 2 - chapter 9 research involving the first nations, inuit and métis peoples of canada) for guidance on research design.

external deadline: 
tuesday, august 10, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

brain canada-wbhi

defense health program department of defense duchenne muscular dystrophy research program funding opportunities for fiscal year 2021 (fy21)

how to apply: 

the fy21 defense appropriations act provides funding to the department of defense duchenne muscular dystrophy research program (dmdrp) to support research addressing duchenne pathobiology and discovery and development of therapeutics, related devices and tools. the managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the congressionally directed medical research programs (cdmrp) at the u.s. army medical research and development command (usamrdc).


the fy21 dmdrp program announcements and general application instructions for the following award mechanisms are posted on the website.


idea development award – preproposal due august 11, 2021

established investigators: independent investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent);


new investigators: investigators that meet the following criteria by the application submission deadline date:

have not previously received a dmdrp idea development award

are within 10 years of first faculty appointment (or equivalent)

•        supports the development of innovative, high-impact ideas that advance the understanding of duchenne

•        muscular dystrophy (dmd) and ultimately lead to improved outcomes.

•        must address opportunities and challenges in the development of safe and effective macromolecular and

•        cellular therapies that address primary pathology of dmd. eligible therapeutic strategies include: gene

•        therapy,  genome editing, oligonucleotide therapies, exon skipping, protein therapeutics, and cell therapies.

•        therapies that will be efficacious across the life-span, particularly in adolescents and adults are

•        encouraged.

•        preliminary data required.

•        clinical trials or applications including a clinical trial aim are not allowed.

maximum funding of $350,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).

maximum period of performance is years.


translational research award - new for fy21 – preproposal due august 11, 2021

investigators at or above the level of assistant professor (or equivalent)

  • supports translational studies that have moved beyond the realm of basic research and have the potential
  • to result in a near-term impact in
  • clinical research or the clinic.
  • research projects investigating therapies that will be efficacious across the life-span, particularly in
  • adolescents and adults are strongly encouraged.
  • preliminary data required.
  • clinical trials are allowed
  • maximum funding of $1,300,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • maximum period of performance is years


a pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic biomedical research application portal (ebrap) at prior to the pre-application deadline.  all applications must conform to the final program announcements and general application instructions available for electronic downloading from the website.  the application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on  a listing of all cdmrp and other usamrdc extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using cfda number 12.420. 


for email notification when program announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “email subscriptions” on the ebrap homepage at  for more information about the dmdrp or other cdmrp-administered programs, please visit the cdmrp website (


point of contact:

cdmrp help desk

external deadline: 
wednesday, august 11, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

social development partnerships program – children and families – social inclusion of vulnerable children and youth

how to apply: 

this funding supports projects that focus on the following objective:

  • develop and carry out services and supports to help increase the social inclusion and wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth

projects should target children and youth who are at highest risk of, or are experiencing negative impacts to their physical and mental wellbeing due to social isolation.

find more information about the social development partnerships program

as organizations can only submit one application to this or the financial empowerment of low-income people call, interested applicants are asked to contact the office of research to indicate their intention to apply no later than june 7.

external deadline: 
tuesday, july 6, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

social development partnerships program – children and families – financial empowerment of low-income people

how to apply: 

this funding supports projects that focus on the following objective:

  • develop and carry out financial empowerment services and supports to help increase the financial wellbeing of low-income adults

projects must address more than 1 aspect of financial wellbeing, and must offer more than 1 type of service.

find more information about the social development partnerships program.

as organizations can only submit one application to this or the social inclusion of vulnerable children and youth call, interested applicants are asked to contact the office of research to indicate their intention to apply no later than june 7.

external deadline: 
tuesday, july 6, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

other : cihr-cepi leadership award for vaccine research

how to apply: 

the specific objectives of this funding opportunity are:

  • promote the career development of mid-career investigators from canadian academic institutions in vaccine research for infectious diseases;
  • create new knowledge in vaccine research for emerging threats through a mutually beneficial exchange of expertise between canadian mid-career investigators and cepi, and support the mobilization of the knowledge created to relevant knowledge users and other stakeholders; and
  • position mid-career canadian investigators as international leaders in vaccine research for infectious diseases.
external deadline: 
friday, july 9, 2021
award category: 
funding source: 
funding level: 

forest sector investment and innovation program

how to apply: 

the forest sector investment and innovation program provides funding for strategic investments in the forest sector that:

  • improve productivity and innovation
  • enhance competitiveness
  • support new market access
  • provide benefits to ontario’s broader forest sector
  • strengthen regional economies

support is available under two project categories:

  • business projects
  • collaboration projects
external deadline: 
monday, july 26, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 

fulbright grants for canadian scholars in the us for 2022/2023

how to apply: 

canada-u.s. fulbright visiting research chairs are normally awarded for one semester, though successful applicants may opt to extend their stay to a full year. dates of the awards should coincide with the academic year of the host institution.

provisions for fulbright visiting chair awards are particular to each institution, though normally carry a value of us$25,000 for one semester. basic health insurance is also provided, along with visa services and on campus support. enrichment opportunities are available through the fulbright mobility initiative in canada and the outreach lecturing fund in the united states. faculty sabbatical, leave-of-absence, or retirement pay may be used concurrently with fulbright support.

all awards are subject to available funding, approval by the j. william fulbright foreign scholarship board (fsb), and compliance with fsb guidelines.

canadian applicants interested in applying for traditional and research chair fulbright scholar awards are asked to complete an online application.

external deadline: 
monday, november 15, 2021
funding source: 
funding level: 
